How to Get the Most Out of God's Word

Gary DeLashmutt
James 1:19-27

James writes to the deceived Christians a blunt rebuke and gives them a description of authentic spirituality. He explains how to listen to God through His Word. The key is having the proper heart attitude before, during and after approaching His Word. Before, come as a sick person, in need of help. During, come with humility, eager to receive the Word. After, come with the intent to act upon what the Word reveals.

God's Good News

Ben Foust
Romans 1:1-7

The book of Romans is the Good News of God about the essential issue of mankind. God has done something so that we can come to Him and have a right relationship with Him, in this life and the next. The Gospel is about Jesus, sent from the Father, born into the human race, evidenced by miracles, died on the cross and rose from the dead, and provided the way for all people to be reconciled to God.

Putting On the New Self Pt2

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:26-32

When you become a follower of Jesus, and are laying aside your old self and putting on your new self, you need to take actions that fit the new you. Three areas of applications are learning to resolve conflict, learning to control your tongue and learning to forgive.

Living Out Your New Identity in Christ

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 4:17-19

Living out your new life in Christ involves not living as the world lives, in the futility of their mind, but knowing that only God gives real meaning in life to anything we do. He gives us significance and value. He ensures that suffering has a purpose. Are you living in such a way that distinguishes you from the world?

True Repentance

Mike Sullivan
2 Corinthians 7:5-16

The Greek word for repentance means to change your mind. True biblical repentance means changing your mind about what you did. First, go to God and acknowledge your sin. Focus on His kindness. You need God's resources to change. You will receive healing, and release from regret.

True Freedom

Gary DeLashmutt
John 8:30-36

True freedom is not the freedom of personal choice but the commitment and ability to love God and other people. It comes from Jesus and through Jesus who gives us freedom from sin's penalty when you receive Him, sin's presence when He returns, and sin's power as we walk according to His Spirit. It increases as we live as student-apprentices of Jesus' teaching.

Revealing the Mystery

Scott Risley
Ephesians 3:1-11

God hid His plan of redemption until He revealed His Son,Jesus, to the world. He kept His plan hidden from all the spiritual forces so that Satan would be fooled into cooperating with His plan. Jesus dying on the cross was not a defeat but God's victory over sin. God's solution solved the problem of the penalty for sin, and any accusations against God's character. He is both loving and just. God can be trusted!

What's Wrong with Humans?

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2:1-10

Our sin is a big barrier between us and God. Our fall from grace has led to alienation from God. But God in His mercy offers us forgiveness through the death of His son Jesus. When we believe and accept this offer of forgiveness, God gives us a new identity which we then gradually grow into it. Religion is the performance of religious laws, but Jesus offers instead a relationship based on personal love.

Destruction to Destiny

Chris Hearty
Ephesians 2:1-10

Paul recalls that all believers were once separated from God and living lives of sin, but God, in his unfailing mercy, saved us while we were dead in our transgressions. Paul emphasizes that we are saved by grace and not works, and salvation is a gift from God, so we cannot boast about receiving it.