Spiritual Friendships

Brian Adams
Proverbs 17:17

The five qualities of a spiritual, high-quality, life-giving friendship are being God-centered, others-centered, accountable, loyal, and forgiving.

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Ben Foust
John 4:1-42

When Jesus offers living water to the Samaritan woman at the well, He is breaking every barrier.  He breaks racial, political, gender, social and, religious barriers to talk to her to demonstrate anyone can be made right with God.

People Skills 101

Scott Risley
John 4:1-42

At its core, ministry is relational.  Join us as we discuss insights from Relational Wisdom and Emotional Intelligence to enhance your ministry impact and personal relationships.

Positive Sibling Relationships

Gloria McCallum
John 4:1-42

Gloria talks about healthy ways to help siblings get along and learn about relationships from each other.

David a Man After God's Heart?

James Rochford
2 Samuel 23

In spite of David's grievous sins, he was still considered a man after God's heart. He knew how to talk honestly with God. He pointed people to God. He understood and accepted God's grace.

When God Says "No"

Scott Risley
2 Samuel 7

Just because God says, "No," does not mean you asked for the wrong thing, or God does not love or care for you. Sometimes, God has something better for you. Can you trust Him and wait patiently for what He has for you? If you can, you just might see Him come through in ways you never imagined!

How Do You Relate to the God Who Has No Needs?

James Rochford
2 Samuel 7

How do you relate to a God who has no needs? You trust that He does not want to take from you anything that is worth anything. You focus on God's promises, not what you think you deserve. You accept and appreciate what God has already given you.

Spiritual Friendships

Scott Risley
1 Samuel 18-20

Spiritual friendships are impossible if there is unbridled anger or envy present. Replace the fear underlying the anger and envy with service. If you are under attack from an angry person, first, get out of an unsafe situation. Then, try to do good and be humble, and let the situation fuel your prayer life. Spiritual friendships take initiative, encouragement plus affection, and sacrifice plus vulnerability.

The Friendship of David and Jonathan

Conrad Hilario
1 Samuel 18-20

The deep relationship David and Jonathan shared was based on a love and trust in God. They both put God first before anything else. They also both shared the three traits of a friendship of constancy, transparency and generosity. Rather than looking for a friend like Jonathan, try becoming a friend like Jonathan! But remember you can't have a friendship like their's unless you put God at the center.