
Cindy Botti

Cindy has attended Dwell since 1983. She and her husband, Joe, have been married since 1986 and have three adult children actively involved in the church. Cindy and Joe have invested in Middle School, High School and College ministries since 1990. Cindy teaches the Sexual Integrity class and is currently teaching eighth grade language arts part-time at Calumet Christian School. Cindy joined the counseling team in 2018.

John Cleary

John was reached for Jesus Christ through Dwell in 1980. He and his wife, Jill, have been home group leaders and involved in Dwell for more than 35 years. They have two married daughters who serve in Dwell home groups. He teaches classes and helps with oversight of home groups and joined the counseling team in 2016.

Bryan Jones

Bryan Jones first attended Dwell Community Church in 2005. Currently he is a church planter in Cincinnati and is working virtually as a Pastoral Counselor with Dwell, with nearly a decade of experience. He graduated from the Ohio State University with a degree in Biopsychology. When not teaching the Bible or working with home churches of all ages, he enjoys cooking, board games, golf, and spending time with friends and family. All of this is done with an incredible amount of support, patience, and grace provided by his wife Hope and two energetic boys.

Barbara Silverman

Barbara has attended Dwell since 2007 and came to Christ in a high school group. She currently leads in the college ministry. Barbara and her husband, Jack, love seeing students come to Christ and equipping them to serve others and love God. Barbara has made her life about enabling people to minister to their highest capacity through finding emotional healing and greater intimacy with God. In her spare time, she loves to read, camp, and hike.

Abbey Merker

Abbey became a Christian in 1999 through the middle school ministry here at Dwell. Since then, she has led in middle school, high school, and college ministries. She has an English degree from Ohio State. Many years of discipling, teaching the Bible, and navigating hardships have burdened Abbey to turn and use what she has learned to help the next person. She has one young son and is an active member in her adult home church. She also likes to read, bike, and kayak.

Bev Delashmutt

Bev has been involved with Dwell Community Church since 1971. She has been active in discipleship, leadership training, and Biblical counseling in home groups of all ages. Bev also is involved in the special needs of missionary care on fields around the world. She worked with urban teenagers for Young Life before marrying her husband Gary. Bev and Gary have two grown daughters.

Rachel Pfanz

Rachel started attending Dwell in 2006 where she met Christ and started following Him. She and her husband Matt are active in discipleship, leading, and teaching in the adult ministry. Rachel is passionate about helping women become strong leaders and teachers of God’s Word.

Nick Gagnet

Nick started to attend Dwell Community Church during his middle school years. Currently, he and his wife lead a college homechurch and are active in discipleship and teaching. They have previous experience leading in a high school homechurch together. They enjoy traveling, reading, cooking, and enjoying new restaurants. Previously, Nick had experience working in a clinical counseling setting and enjoys coming alongside others in their challenges to help them grow in their relationship with God, others, and themselves.