Persevering in Faith

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 3:3-19

While a hardened heart does not affect the Christian believer's salvation, it may cause them to miss out on God's gifts and joy. Hebrews 3 lists five ways to soften our hearts to God. 

The Final Night: Betrayed, Disowned, and Alone

Scott Risley
John 18:1-27

Both Judas and Peter betrayed Jesus, both were sorry.  Judas felt worldly sorrow that resulted in death but Peter felt godly sorrow leading to forgiveness and life.

Two Failures, Two Paths

Brian Adams
John 18:1-26

Judas and Peter both failed Jesus in a big way, but their lives went different ways after they failed. This teaching explores why some people grow from their failures while others don't.

Useful Arguing : Why, When and How to Argue

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 2:20-23

Sometimes it is necessary to argue amongst other Christians for the sake of God's priorities, nor for our own.  Useful arguing is needed in the ministry of correcting one another.  It must be done for redemptive purposes with compassion and love.  

Jesus Betrayed

Conrad Hilario
John 18:1-27

When Judas betrayed Jesus, he exhibited worldly regret that led to self-destruction whereas when Peter betrayed Jesus, he demonstrated biblical repentance where he accepted responsibility for his actions and accepted God's forgiveness.

Preparing the Way

Mike Sullivan
Mark 1:1-11

John the Baptist, the "voice crying in the wilderness," was prophesied to come and prepare the way of the Messiah.  He came, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  He prepared the way by preparing people's hearts, signaling something important was about to happen, by speaking of a greater successor, and  introducing a new kind of baptism, a baptism of the Holy Spirit.


Ben Foust
Psalms 51:1-19

Psalm 51 shows us that no matter how far we stray from God, we can turn to Him in repentance and be forgiven. This is possible because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. 


Jim Leffel
Hebrews 10:19-11:6

The writer of Hebrews is warning his listeners that if they continue to willfully reject the offer of forgiveness that Jesus extends, there is no other means of salvation.  There is only the terrifying expectation of judgment.

Leadership Lessons from David

Scott Risley
2 Samuel 23

We can learn some important lessons from King David regarding leadership, not that he was a perfect leader at all times but that he knew how to turn back to God when he failed. We can study David because he knew how to mobilize others to lead. He pointed people to God. He modeled servant leadership.