Our Problem and God's Solution

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 2:1-10

Humans have a serious problem and most are unaware they are in trouble. People think evil lives in the heart of men like Adolph Eichmann, Hitler's architect of the Holocaust. But the reality is that evil resides in all of our hearts and there is nothing we can do about it. But God has a solution for our deepest need. He offers forgiveness if we will acknowledge our moral failings and our need for His forgiveness. In order to appreciate the Good News, we must hear the bad news first.

The Difficulties of a Life Based on Self

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 3:1-5

Paul warns Timothy that in the last days, that period from the resurrection of Jesus until He returns, people will turn away from loving God to loving themselves. This will result in a multitude of relational problems. God designed relationships to be other-serving, not self-serving. God gives us the ability to love others but we often misdirect our love toward ourselves.

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 1:8-18

In Christ Jesus, we have been saved from the penalty of our sin. This is an action completed in the past. We are saved from the power of our sin, presently and ongoing. In the future, in heaven, we will be saved from the presence of our sin. If we really understand the tremendous value of the Gospel, we would guard it as a treasure and would not be ashamed of it. Truly know Jesus should remove all shame.

What Is the Purpose of the Old Testament Law?

Conrad Hilario
1 Timothy 1:6-16

It is a common misunderstanding of the Old Testament Law to believe it was a set of rules to live by in order to have the right to enter heaven upon one's death. The truth is it defines what is morally right and wrong for the purpose of demonstrating no one is moral or right enough to enter heaven based on their keeping the Law. God gave us the Law to lead us to Christ so that we could have the opportunity to receive His unmerited acceptance.

How to Cure Self-Righteousness

James Rochford
1 Timothy 1:5-20

As Paul continues to instruct Timothy, he reminds him that the Law is good if used lawfully. The Law is for the lawless not for the righteous. Paul, the foremost of sinners, found mercy and grace in Jesus Christ. Recognizing his unrighteousness, he gives glory and honor to God who so freely forgave him and in love, gave him his ministry of reconciliation.

Teachers of "The Law"

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 1:5-16

Paul calls out people who want to be teachers of the Law yet they miss the whole point of the Law. It is for the lawless, not for the righteous. Once one becomes a believer in Jesus, they are no longer under the Law. The Law is to teach us of our sinfulness and need for God's forgiveness. It is not rules to live under. The Law is neither focused on love, nor is it life-giving.

Cultivating a Reflective Heart

Chris Hearty
1 Timothy 1:12-19

As Paul encourages Timothy in how to lead the church at Ephesus, he reflects back on his former life as a persecutor of the church before Jesus apprehended him on the road to Damascus. He breaks out in praise as he remembers how merciful God was to forgive him, the worst of sinners, and put him into His service. In light of God's incredible mercy and patience, Paul charges Timothy to fight the good fight by holding firmly to faith and a good conscience.

What Jesus Accomplished through His Death on the Cross-Pt3

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:15

The third accomplishment of Jesus' death on the cross was it delivered us from Satan's authority. Jesus disarmed the rulers and authorities in the spiritual realm and made a public triumph over them at the cross. Although Satan has been dethroned, he has not yet been entirely destroyed. He still has power to do spiritual battle with us, but we know the end of the story. Jesus wins!

What Jesus Accomplished through His Death on the Cross-Pt2

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:11-12

In Part One, Paul explains how Jesus' death on the cross paid the full penalty for our sins. In Part Two, Paul shows us how His death delivered us from the power or authority of sin. Before putting our faith in Jesus to forgive our sins, we were powerless against the rule of sin. Now, Jesus has set us free to choose whether we give in to sin or appropriate Jesus' power to resist temptation. Jesus supplies the power to not be enslaved to sin. It is up to us to appropriate this provision by faith.