
Ben Foust
Acts 2:1-37

In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit begins to dwell in those who have put their faith in Christ. Through Peter's speech, he explains that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament Law. 

The Sacrificial System

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 10:19-22

Hebrews 8-10 synthesizes the Old and New Testaments. Jesus' death on the cross was the fulfillment of the Old Testament sacrificial system. Through his sacrificial death, all can come into a relationship with God. 

Jesus: A New and Better High Priest

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 7:1-25

Hebrews 5 and 7 teaches us about the role of Jesus, our high priest who guides us and intercedes for us. We also learn about the role of our flawed, human spiritual leaders, who are meant to serve and guide others closer to God. 

Christmas 2024

Ben Foust
Luke 2:1-14

Jesus brought peace to the earth through his sacrificial death on the cross. Taking a look at Jesus' birth, we see God display his humility, glory, and immense love for humanity. 

The Humanity of Christ

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 2:6-18

Paul explains Jesus' humanity, which was hard to grasp for the Greek-thinking culture he was writing to. Jesus' humanity is important because through his humanity he can atone for our sins, display his humility, and understand the struggles of humanity on a personal level. 

Easter 2024: You Can Stand on the Resurrection

Ben Foust
1 Corinthians 15:1-8

Paul writes that the Christian faith rests on Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. Exploring various lines of evidence for the resurrection, we see that we can reasonably believe the bible's depiction of these events. 

The Antidote to a Life of Despair and Distraction

Brad DuFault
Luke 24:13-34

Diving deeper into the details of the resurrection story, we see that biblical prophecy accurately predicts Christ's death and resurrection. 

The Four Witnesses of Christ's Claims

Conrad Hilario
John 5:24-38

Throughout the Bible, we see that God provides many lines of evidence for why we should believe in Jesus.

The Wedding at Cana

Conrad Hilario
John 2:1-11

Religiosity and ritualism are common behaviors to fall into, but we see in the Bible that God desires a personal, deep, ritual-free relationship with us.