Welcome to Dwell Middle School Ministry

The Middle School Ministry is a community of students from all over Columbus who meet together for Bible studies, prayer, and fun. This ministry hosts several different types of meetings during the week. Check out our meetings below for more information.


Middle school meetings

Middle School Ministry hosts a few different types of meetings during the week. They range from smaller cell groups and home churches (based on gender, grade, and school district) to our large Middle School Central Teaching (CT) meeting held every other Tuesday night.

Cell groups and home churches

These groups are a great place for middle school students to grow spiritually, make great friendships, and have tons of fun! Our smaller cell group meeting consists of same-gender students in the same grade or sometimes from multiple grades. Our home churches are co-ed and with a mix of grades. Most of our groups meet every Sunday evening. A handful of eager youth workers lead each group. Know that our youth workers are active members in Dwell and have been thoroughly screened. A typical night involves a discussion-based Bible study, active games, downtime to build friendships, and a shared meal. If you are interested in connecting your child to a cell group or home church in your area please email middleschool@dwellcc.org.


JAM (Junior High A.M.) meetings provide a fun, safe place for students to go during adult Central Teachings on Sunday mornings. Students arrive and play games before settling in for a shorter Bible teaching. Snacks and activities follow! Check with the Welcome Booth at your adult Central Teaching to find out more about the JAM meeting available for students there. JAM is currently held at the Warehouse and Building X gyms.

Warehouse: 600 Oakland Park Ave, Columbus, OH 43214
Building X: 1290 Community Park Dr, Columbus, OH 43229

Middle School CT

MS CT is by far our LARGEST meeting with over 100 students in attendance. MS CT is every other Tuesday night. Students have fun in competitions, playing games or just hanging out. They also get to enjoy a fun and relevant Bible teaching. For convenience, students can be dropped off as early as 6:00 pm and picked up as late as 8:30 pm.

The Warehouse
600 Oakland Park Ave, Columbus, OH 43214

Check out our Middle School YouTube Channel

If you would like to get your son or daughter involved, please contact us at middleschool@dwellcc.org