
Ben Foust
Acts 2:1-37

In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit begins to dwell in those who have put their faith in Christ. Through Peter's speech, he explains that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament Law. 

Introduction to Acts

Ben Foust
Acts 1:1-:8

The book of Acts follows the apostles' adventures after Jesus returns to Heaven. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the apostles begin to spread the gospel throughout the ancient world. 

Principles for Persecution

Brian Adams
John 15:18-16:33

Jesus promised His disciples that they, too, would experience persecution, just as He did.  John lays out five principles to remember to sustain the Christian as he encounters the inevitable resistance of the world system against the message of the Gospel.

The Vine and the Branches

Dennis McCallum
John 15:1-13

The purpose of telling the disciples of the vine and the branches is to encourage them to abide in Him so that they will draw deeply upon His love and be fruitful in sharing that love with others. .

The Holy Spirit

Brian Adams
John 14:1-26

Brian Adams covers eight of the ministries of the Holy Spirit.  If you would like to be filed with the Holy Spirit, you must first meet Him by putting your faith in Him.  Then you can be filled with the Spirit as you ask Him to fill you, as you read your Bible, and as you take steps of faith.

The Holy Spirit

Scott Risley
John 14:1-26

The Holy Spirit is the key to true spirituality.  He offers power, guidance and closeness that only he can provide.

Jesus Promises to Send the Holy Spirit

Conrad Hilario
John 14:1-26

Just before His departure, Jesus reassures the disciples He will not leave them as orphans, but will send the Holy Spirit to be with them always. Conrad details seven of the roles the Holy Spirit performs in the life of a follower of Jesus.

Four Promises on the Final Night

James Rochford
John 14:1-17:23

On his final night with his disciples, Jesus lays out intimidating commands and predictions, but also robust promises. He promises them "another advocate"--the Holy Spirit--the words of God, prayer, and unifying fellowship. These promises stand for Christians today as they face the challenges of serving God.

The Mind of Christ

Ben Foust
1 Corinthians 2:6-16

God's wisdom is what matters, not worldly wisdom.  Ben describes six keys to knowing God's wisdom.  It is for the mature. It is distinct from the wisdom of man. God's wisdom is revealed. It is conveyed through the agency of the Holy Spirit.  It is possible for humans to speak God's wisdom as His agents.  And finally, The Holy Spirit helps us to discern what is truly wise.