Seeing God's Light in Cambodia's Darkness

Dwell recently sent a short-term missions team to Cambodia, to encourage and support our friends at Fountain of Hope. Katie Wollard was a part of the trip, and shares first-hand about her experience. At the end, you'll learn about a special opportunity to support the work in Cambodia:

In the 1970s the Khmer Rouge tortured and killed anywhere from 1.5 to 3 million Cambodians. From genocide to poverty to idol worship, Cambodians consistently see humanity at its worst. Despite the povert...

Pacesetter Devotionals Find Wide Audience

What started as a way to meet the spiritual needs of isolated people during COVID–a devotional aimed at senior citizens–has grown into a widely used Bible resource, accessible to anyone in the world through Dwell’s website.

Dwell’s Pacesetters ministry offers over 50 devotionals, written by Dwell pastor Gary DeLashmutt. They’re designed to be short enough to be easy to read, but meaty enough to feed people’s spiritual hunger. While many are aimed at Christians,...

Xenos Summer Institute Opens July 12th

The Xenos Summer Institute (XSI) starts July 12th, with both large scale teachings and smaller breakout sessions looking at the topic “In Christ”--how better understanding our new identity in Christ can transform our effectiveness and enjoyment of our walk with God. XSI runs July 12-14.

XSI is expecting 2,300 people for the event, including many from out-of-town–from Texas, Montana, Utah, and other states. Please make them feel welcome!

Here are some important details ...

Helping Hands Continues to Adorn the Gospel

“Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:18

For many years, Dwell’s Helping Hands ministry has worked to share the love of Christ in a practical way, completing home repairs and projects for those in need. Volunteers help with home repairs, maintenance work, yard work, home organization, and other tasks.

Longtime Dwell members Don Dixon and Randy Jones helped start the ministry 20 years ago. Through the years it has served hundreds of p...

Helping Others Deal with Grief

By the Dwell Grief Ministry Staff

Probably the most asked questions the Dwell Grief Ministry receives from people who want to help a hurting friend are: “What can I do?,” “What can I say?,” and “What book can I give someone?”

If you are looking for answers to these questions (and many more), the Dwell Grief Ministry is offering a 4-week class starting May 31st called “Helping Others Navigate Grief, Loss & Disappointment.”

This is a super-practical class to h...

Dwell Offers Class on Upper Room Discourse

This spring, Dwell is offering a new class, looking at the Upper Room Discourse. It starts May 24th and you can register at this link.

Ryan Weingartner will be the teacher, and shares some thoughts about it with us:

What is the class about?

The class covers the content from the last speech Jesus gives to his disciples in John 13-17 just before He's arrested. We will walk verse by verse through the passage, but also see the repeated themes in His speech.


Exciting Open Door for Pacesetters Ministry

A thriving Dwell ministry–Pacesetters–is growing even larger, extending its reach into more and more local senior living residences, thanks to a partnership with National Church Residences.

Pacesetters serves seniors, offering Bible studies and fellowship. Its goal is to have a great ministry to seniors through its Thursday morning Bible study, but also to take the love of God into the community. 

Over the last year, Pacesetter volunteers have begun working as chaplains in a couple...

Dwell Launches New Ministry: Embrace Grace

Dwell is launching a new ministry–Embrace Grace–to help young women who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy. The ministry aims to come alongside these women, offering emotional, practical, and spiritual support.

Embrace Grace is a national organization that trains local churches like Dwell to effectively meet these ladies’ needs, doing it in the name of Christ. Local churches offer an 11 week support program that shares the gospel and, if they receive Christ, their new iden...

Freshman Transition Time at Dwell

Each year 8th grade students involved in Dwell’s Middle School Ministry go through Freshman Transition, allowing them to explore different high school home churches to find the group that’s right for them. This year's process will start April 2nd. Please pray for their discernment about this decision!

It’s a spiritually significant event because it’s a time of life that some students move away from God. A successful transition to a high school group not only h...

Dwell Member Survey 2022

Thank you to the 2000+ members who filled out the survey. We have attached the results below. A special thanks to Teresa Lawless for helping compile and analyze this data.
