Good Grief Group Will Meet Online

By John Montgomery

The Good Grief discussion group will conduct a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, April 21st, at 6:30 pm. This group provides support, comfort, and understanding for high school, college and young adults who have lost a loved one.

The state of emergency in our country not only causes grief but enhances grief that is already present. Grief cannot be quarantined or isolated until a “convenient” time. Yet grief and suffering by nature are isolating.

In his book, Forever, Paul T...

Eastern Europe

Our Global Partner in Eastern Europe see to reach the student population and mobilize them to in turn reach others for Christ. Mark and Laura have been commissioned as missionaries to equip foreign college students in church planting. Mark and Laura have extensive experience in cross-cultural work in the region. Through discipleship and biblical training, the goal is to empower students towards a concrete vision to plant churches in their home countries. The shared linguistic and political he...

Free Clinics

The mission of the Free Clinics is to provide free basic medical, dental and legal services to the working poor and homeless as an expression of the love of Jesus Christ. We are dedicated to honoring and serving others as people of infinite worth, made in God's image, regardless of their age, sex, ethnicity or beliefs. Referrals to other agencies for those in need of long term or specialized care will be provided. The clinics also provide opportunities for spiritual growth...

India Gospel League

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The church is expanding rapidly in India, but even with the rapid growth only a fraction of the population has been reached with the Gospel of Christ. In order to continue this great work, IGL has mobilized barefoot pastors. The barefoot pastor and his family take up residence in one of the villages where he serves the church and disciples and trains new believers to expand God’s kingdom. 

We want to expand...

Mercy Medical Center- Cambodia

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"He sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal." Luke 9:2

Mercy Medical Center proclaims Christ in word and deed as they provide medical care to Cambodians in need. As a development ministry in Cambodia, Mercy Medical Center, is “authentic witness” proclaiming Jesus Christ. MMC operates through a system of strategic referring partners (national churches and Christian organizations) which bring us in co...

Friendship Ministries- Cambodia


Our Global Partners at Friendship Ministries have set out to communicate the gospel in both word and deed by serving the poor through free medical care and education. In addition to the Friendship School, Friendship Ministries plants house churches, offers medical care, and community development projects to the people around Kampong Cham, Cambodia

The Friendship School

Poverty is a vicious trap for Cambodia’s poor. Education is one form of development that can help...

Southeast Asia


Our Global Partners in Southeast Asia seek to plant churches among unreached people while raising up local leaders and alleviating poverty through community developement. God, working through many faithful servants over many years, has brought about a spiritual movement in this area!  Currently, four Dwell church planting families have the great privilege of watching this miraculous movement of the Spirit.

Through the establishment of community centers we strive to t...

Fountain of Hope- Cambodia



This ministry, lead by indigenous workers with many years of experience, seeks to bring the love of Christ in both word and deed to the people of Cambodia. The programs provide holistic transformation beginning with individuals and reaching whole communities. Your support will serve the most vulnerable members of Cambodian society through several programs designed to serve spiritual and physical needs.

Fountain of Hope has four programs to me...