New Dwell Class on Heaven

Dwell pastor Chris Hearty will be teaching a new class, The Promise of Paradise, starting March 27 and running four weeks. You can register at this link.Chris answers some questions about the class:What will the class cover? The thrust of this class will cover Heaven. I'm really looking forward to helping paint a mental picture of the Biblical details we are given about what we can expect for our next life. Eternal rewards is a topic I am especially excited to cover. These rewards will affect...

New Book by Dennis McCallum Available

Dwell co-founder Dennis McCallum’s new book, “Experience the Book of Acts,” is now available in paperback. at three Dwell locations–Main Campus, the Warehouse, and 4th Street. It’ll be available on Amazon in a few weeks. Dennis answered some questions about this new book, and his deep-seated love of Acts.

Vision and Stewardship Meeting February 2nd

Make plans to join Dwell leaders for the annual Vision & Stewardship Meeting Friday, February 2nd. They will present the church's budget plan for 2024 as well as recap how God has used Dwell members' sacrificial giving in 2023. It will start at 7:30 pm at Dwell’s Main Campus.

Dwell Celebrates Christmas

Dwell invites you and your family and friends to celebrate Christmas with "The Hope of Christmas" on Christmas Eve. We’ll have programs at 2:00 and 4:00 pm at Dwell’s Main Campus Auditorium (1390 Community Park Dr., 43229), lasting about an hour. The programs will feature plenty of music and hospitality, as well as a teaching from Brad DuFault.

Consider Pursuing Higher Education through TEDS Program

If you’re looking for a new challenge, Dwell’s TEDS program may be it. The program offers you the chance to pursue world-class theological studies here in Columbus, with Dwell serving as an off-campus location for Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS), located in Chicago.

Harry Sarvis, who serves as Dwell’s TEDS Site Coordinator, encourages you to consider enrolling in the program. He answers some questions about it:

For someone who may be unfamiliar with Dwell's TEDS program,...

High Schoolers Sample What's Next at College Connection

Dwell’s College Connection event is coming up in a few weeks, giving high school juniors and seniors a taste of Dwell’s college ministry. It can be a critical experience for students who are making significant decisions about their future.

The transition from high school to college is a time many Christian students abandon their involvement in Christian fellowship. College Connection works to give them a vision for following God during their college years and beyond,...

New Book from Conrad Hilario

Dwell Pastor Conrad Hilario is out with a new book Identity: Seeing Yourself through God’s Eyes. You can pre-order it now. Conrad shares more about the book and what prompted him to write it:

What is the book about?

It's a month-long devotional. Each chapter offers reflections on one aspect of our new identity and can be read in place of your daily devotional. I would describe it as a companion to Walking in Victory, which provided the "how" of spiritual growth. T...

Holiday Grief Workshop November 5th

The holiday season can be a time of excitement and joy. However, for those who have lost a loved one, the holidays can be filled with many different emotions. 

Holiday traditions and memories can bring up feelings of sadness, anger, and confusion, whether the loss has been recent or in the remote past. Watching others celebrate can be very painful and often a reminder of a loved one’s absence.  

But there is hope! The D...

Dwell Offering New Class on Peacemaking

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matt. 5:9

This fall Dwell is offering a new class, Peacemaking. Liz Sweet will be teaching this four week class, starting November 8th. Liz answers some questions about the class:

What is the class about? The class is about becoming peacemakers. We all face conflict, and the class provides practical ways to think about conflict. We’ll also discuss ideas about how we can let God influence and ...

God Uses Translated Dwell Books Around the World

Your support of Dwell, through prayer and financial giving, continues to pay dividends around the world. Dwell has worked to translate books such as Organic Discipleship by Dennis McCallum. We recently received a note from a 51 year old woman in Cambodia who, though struggling with illiteracy, is reading the book in her language with a friend. Here’s an excerpt from the translated note: When we finished lesson one about “What is Discipleship?,” I realized that it gave a simple answer: discip...