God Uses Translated Dwell Books Around the World


Your support of Dwell, through prayer and financial giving, continues to pay dividends around the world. Dwell has worked to translate books such as Organic Discipleship by Dennis McCallum. We recently received a note from a 51 year old woman in Cambodia who, though struggling with illiteracy, is reading the book in her language with a friend.

Here’s an excerpt from the translated note:

When we finished lesson one about “What is Discipleship?,” I realized that it gave a simple answer: discipleship is disciples being trained to follow Jesus and follow his example, the same as when Jesus made disciples.

I am illiterate, and a slow learner and reader. I love reading the book, and although I have difficulty in memorizing what I have read, I will commit to finish reading lesson two. When I cannot read any words, I ask my niece to help me with that. I would like to thank Fountain of Hope for giving me this book. I will commit to reading this book with my sister until we finish discipleship class with our teacher.

Please pray for the work Dwell-authored books are doing here, and around the world.