Great News from Calumet's First Quarter

With its first quarter now finished, Calumet Christian School Principal Tyler Wriston says its efforts to safely hold classes in-person are working great. He says, with 98% of the students attending in-person, they've had zero confirmed COVID cases among students and teachers.

Many parents have expressed their gratitude for the school's efforts: Katie Himsworth says, "I really appreciate all the things you have implemented and feel really confident sending my girls to school. They love...

Grief Ministry Offers Help Through Holiday Workshop

By John Montgomery, Dwell Grief Ministry

The end-of-year holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve) can be the most  wonderful, joyous, and hopeful times of the year. Often, it's the time spent with our family and friends that gives the holidays special meaning. So after the death of a loved one, holiday celebrations can go from joyous occasions to tedious events that must be survived.

But there is hope! The Dwell Grief Ministry will provide a 90-minute workshop,&n...

Join in God's Work Around the World on Missions Night

The Dwell Missions Division invites you to its quarterly Missions Night October 28th at 7:00 pm.

Because of COVID restrictions the event will be online using Zoom. Amy Condon with the Missions Division says the format has worked well, giving people the ability to participate from home, but also giving them the chance to hear directly from missionaries in other countries, since the missionaries can join the meeting remotely.

She says about a hundred people have been joining the...

Grief Ministry Offers Workshop on Navigating the Loss of a Spouse

By John Montgomery, Dwell Grief Ministry

On Wednesday, October 7th, the Dwell Grief Ministry will offer a workshop entitled Navigating the Loss of a Spouse. It will be from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm and will be on Zoom. 

This event allows people in the local community to be aware of the kind of practical care they can receive from our fellowship. This can be a great opportunity to reach out to your friends, neighbors, and family members who are in grief. If someone you ...

New Signs at All Dwell Locations

A building’s sign is often the first statement an organization makes to visitors. Signs not only reflect location, but can offer welcome and represent an ethos. Dwell Community Church has just finished replacing signs at its venues--Main Campus, the Warehouse, the 4th Street facility, and Building X--giving a consistent look at all locations.

The signs incorporate the newly designed Dwell logo and font, offering a modern look and reflecting Dwell’s mission. And because of the current ...

Calumet Christian School Prepares to Open Next Week

With an extensive COVID safety plan in place, Calumet Christian School will start classes next Tuesday, September 8th. Students will be meeting in-person, with a virtual option available if parents prefer.

Calumet Principal Tyler Wriston says in making plans they wanted to employ a "family choice" model. "Each family can choose whether they want to send their children in-person or do virtual learning from home. We trust parents to make the best choice for their families. Our role at ...

Akili Principal Shares Update

Dwell’s new school, Akili Christian High School, has been open with its first class of students, meeting in-person since mid-July. We checked in with Principal Ari Adkins to get an update on this new venture:

In general how has it been going? It's been going incredibly well! Our staff members feel like they've gotten excellent time to build relationships with the students. This class is spiritually hungry and very interested in learning more about God, with lots and lots of questions....

God Works through Pacesetters in Unexpected Ways

“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

This spring Dwell’s Pacesetter ministry was about to launch a bi-weekly Bible study for seniors, but at the last minute it was put on hold by COVID restrictions. 5 months later, though the Bible study remains on hold, Pacesetters has a vital ministry through weekly devotional material, and is ready to launch an experimental weekly drive-in Bible study for se...

Dwell Warehouse Space to Host Trade Center

Part of Dwell’s Oakland Park campus is being renovated to accommodate a major expansion of Central Ohio Youth for Christ’s HireLevel Auto program, helping disadvantaged students learn marketable auto repair skills. HireLevel Auto will continue classes at its current facility on the west side, but this expansion at the Warehouse will allow for many more participants to benefit, from a wider geographic area. The current facility can serve 40 students but the Warehouse expansion can han...

Class on Spiritual Renewal Starting Soon

This quarter Dwell is offering the class Spiritual R&R: God’s Restoration and Renewal, designed to help Christians find joy that they once had in their relationship with Christ. It’s a 4 week class with Liz Sweet, and starts Wednesday, August 26th. Liz shares a bit with us about the class:

What is this class about? The class is about experiencing a renewed sense of God's love and joy through rekindling our first love, remembering His faithfulness, and thinking through ou...