Grief Ministry Offers Modified Workshop

Over the past 13 years, the Dwell Grief ministry has grown and expanded, offering various workshops and support groups to help those in grief. To accommodate the current COVID19 restrictions, a new “streamlined” workshop has been developed which is more suited for Zoom. 

Beginning Wednesday, September 9th, the Grief Ministry will offer a 4-week workshop called “Navigating your Grief — Zoom Edition.” It will be on Zoom from 7:00-8:30 pm for four consecutive Wednesdays. This wo...

Local Moms Use Dwell Material to Host Successful Backyard VBS

With COVID-19 forcing Dwell’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) to be canceled, its organizers offered an alternative—materials for people to host a small scale VBS in their backyard. Kim Allen and some other moms in her Cranbrook neighborhood took up the offer, and hosted 14 kids for a week’s worth of Christ-centered activities.

Kim says her family was saddened to hear that VBS was canceled, but her mother-in-law showed her that Dwell was offering a “backyard” version, appropriate for someo...

Dwell Renovates Main Campus Building During Shutdown

For nearly 23 years the carpet in the Main Campus Auditorium and lobby has seen it all—multiple weekly Central Teachings, hundreds of kids for VBS, thousands of people attending XSI, and regular use throughout the week for school, Dwell classes, weddings, and outside groups.

The COVID-19 shutdowns have given Dwell a unique opportunity to follow-through on long-standing plans to replace the stained and worn blue-green carpet, as well as making other improvements.“We have discussed annual...

Dwell Pastor Offers Suggestions for Dialogue on Racial Unrest

As we look for ways to respond to the issue of racial inequality, Dwell Pastor Josh Benadum offers these suggestions for our conversations and relationships:

1. Encourage people to listen to one another (James 1:19). Not everyone emotionally identifies with the rage and fear that many are expressing right now. But this is an important opportunity for people to learn to empathize with and seek to understand those with different backgrounds experiences (Romans 12:15).

2. Ac...

Grief Ministry Ready to Help During Lockdown

This time of isolation can be especially difficult for people dealing with the loss of a loved one. The Dwell Grief Ministry is offering help to those struggling with the additional burden of grief at this time.

The Good Grief group will meet via Zoom next Tuesday, June 2nd at 6:30 pm. This is a discussion group for young adults who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or friend. Meeting other young people who have lost a loved one can help normalize the experience for teen...

Dwell Relief Fund Helping Around the World

The Dwell Missions Division recently distributed emergency relief money to some of our partners suffering from the effects of the coronavirus. The division reports our partners in Haiti have already been able to use the money to use:

COVID-19 is having devastating impacts on the health and economy in many of the countries where our Global Partners work. So, in addition to annual sustaining funds from the Global Partnership Fund, we recently released emergency funding to ...

Study Center Now Offering Curbside Pick-up

Starting May 22nd the Study Center will offer curbside pick-up and drop-off for books. Its staff will be following the Ohio Library Council's guidance for offering this service safely (disinfecting surfaces, wearing masks & gloves, social distancing, etc).

Here are the options for reserving and picking up a book:

Login to your study center account at, search for your book, click "Place Hold," and select "New Location at RDP" as your pickup location.
Call the Stu...

Dwell Volunteers Diligently Serve Food Pantry

With many people in need of food these days, with dozens of volunteers from Dwell are answering the call each week at the All People’s Fresh Market on Parsons Avenue, a program of Community Development for All People. They’ve been packing food boxes, loading them into customers’ cars, cleaning, directing traffic, and handling administrative tasks.

The Market offers fresh food to folks on a low-income and is the largest free food distributor in Ohio serving between 500 to 700 famil...

Dwell Support Ministries Take Their Service Online

A number of Dwell support ministries are, for now, meeting online--a way to continue to serve and encourage, including those who may be especially vulnerable at this time. These groups are sharing God's love and strength with people battling addiction (and those who love them), military veterans, people with mental illness, and those with special needs. You can see a full list of ministries below.

Tim Downs volunteers with the weekly Call-Sign Bible study for veterans. In March they stoppe...

Pacesetters Ministry Pivots to COVID-19 Needs

On March 12th the Dwell Pacesetters’ ministry was ready to launch a bi-weekly Bible study for senior citizens. But that same day Ohio issued COVID-19 restrictions on large gatherings, and it was put on hold.

That hasn’t stopped the Pacesetters’ ministry from serving seniors in a different way—both those in Dwell and those in the community. Pacesetters has paired 80 Dwell seniors with younger volunteers who are checking in with them by phone, chatting with them, and praying with them. I...