Making God’s Truth Fun: VBS Returns to Dwell This June

Registration is now open for Dwell’s VBS--Vacation Bible School--sharing the love of God with kids preschool through 3rd grade. The format will be modified a bit to accommodate COVID safety, but the focus remains on helping children understand God’s grace and love through crafts, activities, music, and teachings. 

This year’s VBS will be June 21st-25th, from 9:00-11:30 am each day, and will be primarily outside. Claire Howard with VBS says the emphasis is on fun with a purpos...

Register Your Child Now for TNT Camp


Registration is now open for TNT Camp, Dwell’s summer camp for kids in 4th and 5th grade, June 21st-25th. The camp offers a week of fun, engaging activities along with great teachings, and the chance to go deeper with meaningful discussion groups.

TNT Director Amy Cooksey says she expects kids will especially welcome the fun week together this summer. “After a long year of COVID we hope camp can bring out some fun, laughter, and time together that all ha...

Grief Ministry Offers New Workshop on Identity

By John Montgomery, Dwell Grief Ministry

On Wednesday, April 28th at 7:00 pm the Dwell Grief Ministry will offer a 90-minute Zoom workshop called Grief & Identity. This workshop is for those who have progressed through the initial grief following the death of a loved one and who are now searching to answer the question: “Who am I now?”

When we lose a loved one, we lose a part of who we are, our lives change. Roles as mother...

Dwell's Medical and Vision Clinics to Re-Open

After being on hold for a year, Dwell’s medical and vision clinics are starting back up on May 3rd. They will return to their twice-monthly schedule—the first and third Mondays of the month. The clinic treats people who don’t have private insurance and aren’t eligible for Medicaid or Medicare, and are below the 200% poverty level.

Clinic Director Margo Shaw says, for a number of reasons, COVID made it impractical to keep the clinics open, including the fact that some volunteers are old...

Easter 2021


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New Book Based on Dwell Missionary's Experience

From the Dwell Missions Staff

Fall Like Rain, a novel by Nell Corbly, is based on a true story of life in Southeast Asia. This intimate look at the realities of Southeast Asia is written by a Dwell missionary under a pseudonym to protect the identity of those who contributed to the book.

Fall Like Rain follows the story of master’s student Sophy Seng, looking for a good resume builder, so she takes an internship in her parents' birth country of Cambodia in Southeast Asia. As she assimilat...

Calumet Middle-Schoolers Assemble Gift Bags for Seniors

“The gift bags were delightful! So kind of all of you to remember us.”

“Thank you for the thoughtful gift bags. It’s been a sad time for many of us but you and your students brightened our day. I am also so happy that you are teaching your students generosity and kindness.”

“It’s nice to know that people are thinking of us!”

“You obviously put a great deal of thought and effort into choosing fun and useful gifts.  We had a great time unpacking the bags. Your thoughtfulness a...

Registration Now Open for Dwell Summer Camps

With COVID cases decreasing and a plan for safety measures, Dwell is moving forward with plans for Epic and Blowout Camp this summer. Epic, for high-school students, is scheduled for July 4th-10th, and Blowout Camp, for middle-schoolers, is scheduled for July 4th-9th.

Both camps have a safety plan in place, and offer most activities outdoors. Students will be required to take a COVID test, showing a negative result, just before camp. Masks will be required inside, teachings will be don...

Dwell Co-Founder Offers Genesis Book Series

Dwell co-founder and teacher Dennis McCallum is out with a new 2-volume book series on the book of Genesis. Lessons from Genesis will guide you through this crucial book of the Bible, with helpful insights into its meaning and application.

You can buy Volume 1 now at the Dwell Bookstore, with a Kindle version of Volume 1 and 2 available on Amazon. Dennis shares with us about this new book series:

Why Genesis?

Well, I finished writing a book on parenting, and sat back asking God wha...

Dwell Workshop Adds Week for Grieving Spouses

By John Montgomery, Dwell Grief Ministry

The Navigating Your Grief Wednesday night workshop is adding an extra week on March 3rd, at 7:00 pm on Zoom. This session will focus on helping grieving spouses, and is open to anyone who may benefit, regardless of whether they have attended any of the previous weeks. If someone you know would benefit from this extra week, please consider inviting them. This can be a great opportunity to reach out to your friends, n...