Preparing for Christ's Return

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 25:14-40

God has blessed all of us with various "riches"--talents, money, time, and other resources. God has given us the role of steward--asking us to wisely use these gifts for His purposes, instead of just using them for our own purposes. In order to be wise stewards, we have to see God as a good and worthy lord of our life, who will recognize our sacrifices as we seek to be good stewards.

A "Post-Covid" Missiology:Three Ongoing Realities

Ed Stetzer
Matthew 25:14-40

Ed Stetzer, an expert in missiology, or the study of the church's mission to share the message of the Gospel, shares three realities of the Covid 19 pandemic that impact the church's work. First, Covid has caused a cultural convulsion that has rocked peoples' trust in institutions, politics, and even one another. Second, Covid is adding fuel to a Great Sort that is happening in society. People, in their disorientation are seeking security in groups who agree with their views, leading to an "us against them" mentality. Third, Covid is revealing layers of disengagement. Churches are finding their members either becoming more committed, or hanging on and waiting to see, or disconnecting altogether.

A Good Leader Is Hard to Find

James Rochford
1 Timothy 3:1-2

Requirements for leadership in the Christian church are not dependent upon charismatic personality, brilliant thinking, or phenomenal gifting. Fortunately, it is based on things under everyone's control; their character. The essentials of leadership are having good character, being a hard worker, and being trustworthy. People like to follow people with these qualities. All of these things can be learned!


Ryan Lowery
Matthew 18:21-35

When Jesus told the parable of the unforgiving slave who was forgiven an insurmountable debt by the king but would not forgive a fellow slave a minor debt, He was using a creative story to give us God's perspective on us. When Peter asked Jesus how many times should we forgive others, Jesus used this story to ask Peter how many time would he like God to forgive him? Forgiveness is the willingness to absorb the consequences of wrong without retaliation. This is best demonstrated by what Jesus did on the cross for us.

The Stone the Builders Rejected

Mike Sullivan
Psalms 118

Psalm 118 is a processional psalm that Jewish pilgrims would sing as they walk toward the city of Jerusalem during the Passover Week. Every Jew would have been very familiar with this psalm. When Jesus entered the temple during His final week on earth, He applied this psalm to Himself by identifying Himself as the stone the builders rejected. The Jews knew the stone represented the victorious king of the Jews.

The Lord Is My Shepherd

Mike Sullivan
Psalms 23

While it is embarrassing to be compared to sheep as they do not have a sterling reputation for intelligence, the important point to remember is we have a shepherd. We have a Good Shepherd, Jesus, who leads us, protects us and teaches us to love people. Not only that, but like a good shepherd, He sacrificed His life for us.

Preparing Our Minds for Suffering

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 4:12-19

Since suffering is inevitable in this world, Peter gives six principles for enduring suffering in ways that brings glory to God. Don't be surprised when you encounter suffering. Instead, rejoice in suffering, knowing that God will use it for your good. Make sure you avoid unnecessary suffering, such as suffering as the result of doing evil. When you do suffer, do not be ashamed of suffering for Christ. Entrust your soul to God who is your faithful Creator. Do what is right, for in due time you will receive your reward.

How to Be a Winsome Follower of Jesus

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 3:8-15

In order to be a witness for God to an ungodly world, Christians are called to possess winsome qualities, to be winsome in what we say and do and give a winsome response to those who ask about our faith. We are called to give an account for the hope that is in us. We have good reason to believe in Jesus because He is true! Even atheistic scientists cannot explain the puzzle of the "Fine Tuning of the Universe."

Fear of the Lord

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 33

Modern readers of the Bible often have a negative reaction upon first hearing the phrase "the fear of the Lord." They mistakenly think we are called to be afraid of God but we must let the Bible interpret itself. The Bible says to fear the Lord means to stand in awe of Him, which means to ponder his greatness, power, intelligence, beauty, and wisdom as it is revealed through His creation. We can demonstrate we fear the Lord by trusting in His lovingkindness, and following His moral instruction. A synonym for "fear of the Lord" is humility before God.