God Parts the Red Sea

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 13-15

God is sovereign and does not always explain His plans to us. When God led the Israelites out of Egypt, He took them on a curious route, not a direct path, to the the Promised Land. We need to depend upon God for His direction and His protection, even when we don't understand His plan.

The God Who Is Leads His People

James Rochford
Exodus 12:35-14:31

When God led His people out of the land of Egypt, the people could not see everything God was doing. The people were only thinking of fleeing slavery but God was accomplishing multiple goals. He was guarding the Israelites but not removing all threats, judging the Egyptians, blocking re-enslavement, and bringing His people to faith.

God's Provision for Them and for Us

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 15-17

God provides for His people, then and now. He provides daily what we need for physical sustenance in the way of food and water. But He also gives us what we need for spiritual life. He gives us a beginning point for spiritual life by offering us forgiveness through Jesus and also for ongoing growth. Just like our physical needs, our spiritual needs must be replenished daily.

The God Who Is Faithful

James Rochford
Exodus 1:1-2:10

The Exodus narrative of Moses being rescued from the Nile River to become second in command of Egypt is the story of the God who is faithful. Biblical faith is trusting the God who is trustworthy even through suffering and persecution, with our plans, with our doubts, when we cannot see the full picture, and for the future. Moses' mother demonstrated biblical faith when she placed Moses in the basket and entrusted him to God.

Daniel 9

James Rochford
Daniel 9

Why should anyone trust Jesus with their life, let alone their eternity? The Book if Daniel, Chapter 9, gives compelling evidence the Bible is a supernatural book, able to accurately predict future events to the very year they occur. Factoring in the lunar calendar and the lack of a zero year, Daniel 9 accurately predicts, four hundred years prior, the year Messiah would be killed.

God's Ultimate "Yes"

Mike Sullivan
2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4

Paul address accusations made by the Corinthians--that he keeps promises only when convenient. This bred mistrust and cynicism, but Paul shares that his choices were made out of love. Cynicism can be defeated as we put our trust in and focus on God's faithfulness, not blindly in a leader. This mindset helps us see people as we should, especially when they let us down.

God's Comfort

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 1:1-11

The word translated "comfort" in our Bibles has a stronger meaning than we commonly use. It means to strengthen, fortify, encourage in the midst of adversity. God's comfort is an expression of His character. He is not distant nor aloof, but full of mercy and compassion. God's comfort is available for and fully adequate for all kinds of suffering. Receiving God's comfort enables us to give His comfort to others. We experience God's comfort as we patiently trust Him in our suffering. Suffering can displace self-reliance and lead to deeper confidence in God's future faithfulness.

David and Mephibosheth

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Samuel 19

King Davis'd loyalty to his friend Jonathan can be seen in how graciously he treated Jonathan's crippled son, Mephibosheth. Instead of slaughtering every surviving members of Saul's family, David chose to extend unbounding kindness to Saul's grandson by inviting him to dine at the king's table every night and gave him all of Saul's land and property. God's kindness toward us is far greater than David's. It is a totally unmerited gift. The only condition is that we humbly entrust ourselves to God and Jesus.

Connecting with the Lord in the Midst of Parenting

Rosy Talarzyk
2 Samuel 19

As parents, we are so focused on helping our children grow physically and spiritually, that sometimes we neglect our wellbeing. Rosy Talarzyk shares her experience learning to stay close to Jesus in the middle of the ups and downs of parenting. We need to continue to grow with the Lord as much as our kids do. Knowing God not just for what He can do for us but for who He is in His own right. Are you making maturity in your relationship with God a priority for you and your children's sake?