Jesus: A New and Better High Priest

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 7:1-25

Hebrews 5 and 7 teaches us about the role of Jesus, our high priest who guides us and intercedes for us. We also learn about the role of our flawed, human spiritual leaders, who are meant to serve and guide others closer to God. 

Tension Under Grace

John Ross
1 Thessalonians 5:12-15

John discusses how leaders can foster healthy, biblical tension in a home church that "...motivates people to productive action, but not so much that their behavior becomes nonproductive."  Life-giving leaders help people see a positive future where they understand their role and participate in taking ground from the enemy.

The Good Shepherd

Dennis McCallum
John 10:1-31

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep who recognize His voice.  The thief comes to kill and destroy but Jesus comes to give abundant life.  Are you ready to meet the Good Shepherd?

The Good Shepherd

James Rochford
John 10:1-31

Why would you want Jesus to lead your life? If you have trusted Him for eternal life, then you can trust Him to be a strong, personal, sacrificial, wise and humble leader. Why would you settle for less?

Leadership Lessons from David

Scott Risley
2 Samuel 23

We can learn some important lessons from King David regarding leadership, not that he was a perfect leader at all times but that he knew how to turn back to God when he failed. We can study David because he knew how to mobilize others to lead. He pointed people to God. He modeled servant leadership.

Leadership and Humility

Mike Sullivan
1 Peter 5:1-7

Peter teaches that the most effective component of leadership is humility. The path to leadership isn't up, but down. Leaders who know how to humbly follow other leaders make better leaders. God graces humble leaders with protection, empowerment to serve, and many other good things. Whether you desire to become a leader or not, we all are called to "clothe (our)selves with humility."

The Heart of a King

Scott Risley
1 Samuel 11-16

When the Israelites demanded a king, they looked at the outward appearances but God looks inward at the heart. The people saw Saul, tall, handsome and wealthy and desired him for their king, but he did not trust God nor obeyed Him. After God rejected Saul as king, He chose David, a man after His own heart.

God's New Man

Dennis McCallum
1 Samuel 15-17

After Saul's repeated disobedience to God's commands, God picks a new leader, the young shepherd boy, David. When the armies of God are being defied by the Philistine giant, Goliath, David trusts God to give Goliath into his hand even though he is only armed with a stone and a sling. Where the entire Israelite army cowered in fear, David had a divine perspective and was willing to do something audacious.

We Want a King!

Scott Risley
1 Samuel 8-10

The calling of Saul can teach us important lessons in spiritual leadership. Servant leaders need to prepare ahead of their calling and must be willing to be different. God calls them to cling to these three truths of spiritual leadership: Listen to Me and I will supply all you need, these people are Mine, and I love you.