Leading Home Group Evangelism

Doug Patch

Home group evangelism is a balance of outward movement with inward growth. Learn about the steps of challenging a group to generate a new focus on evangelism, including how to anticipate resistance. Each step is rooted in getting members to become outward-focused and to fight against staying in a small comfort zone.

Jesus' Departure

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus gives his last instructions to his disciples before he leaves to be with the father. Known as the Great Commission, these commands from Jesus are about going outward to make disciples of Christ, and involves teaching others about Jesus' instruction. The basis for this instruction is that all authority belongs to Jesus and that he promises to be with his followers always. This is the natural response for people forgiven by God through Jesus, as His plan involves all people knowing about the forgiveness He offers through Jesus. This practice is largely ignored in the church, but is of central importance to God's plan in human history.

Drawing Near to God

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 84:1-12

Some people might try to tell you that drawing near to God is an escape from real life, but the truth is drawing near to God is what enables us to face real life. There's a desire in our heart to worship something and when we are absent from God's presence we try to fill that desire with ourselves. When we come before God, we must start by accepting His appointed sacrifice which is Jesus on the cross, who made it possible for us to have a relationship with God. We must praise God for who He is, not simply thanking Him for what He has done recently.

Gateway to Prayer: Meditation on God's Word

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 12:2

We can read the word of God but how often do we ponder it deeply in meditation? Biblical meditation is not about emptying your mind but instead interacting with and understanding something deeply. We need God's help in a world that never stops moving and where we intake information at higher speed than ever. Being connected to God through His Word in meditation promises to grow us and root us deeply in Him. \r\n

Feeding the 5000

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 14:1-20

Jesus performs a miracle by providing food for 5,000 people with two fish and five loaves of bread. The food in this event is a metaphor for spiritual provision. Jesus calls on his disciples to deliver the food, exemplifying what Christian ministry or service looks like, as God uses Christians to bring God's power into others lives. God has the ability to use Christians powerfully, but asks that we be responsive to His call. Ultimate provision is found through Jesus Christ.

Receiving God's Word

Gary DeLashmutt
James 1:19-27

One of the most important aspects of christian spirituality is humbly accepting God's Word. There are four elements of this process: 1) respect and submit to the Word, putting aside our own pride and principles; 2) look intently into the Word and personally delve into God's provisions; 3) look honestly at what it reveals about you, recognizing our own sin and self deception and look at God's grace; 4) take action on what it reveals to you. By humbly accepting God's Word we can start to experience spiritual healing.

Grow or Groan

James Rochford
James 1:1-11

Troubles and suffering are an inevitable part of human existence. When faced with suffering we can either use it as an opportunity to grow and build character or become bitter. We are provided with sufficient knowledge to have faith that God has a plan for us and will grow us through Jesus' example on the cross and knowledge that he suffers with us and for us. James also warns of having divided loyalty between God and earthly riches because riches will eventually fade away.

The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 13:24-30

Jesus discusses parables concerning the kingdom of God and gives revelation previously not seen in the Old Testament. Through these parables, God's purposes for His church, His followers, and what His priorities are can be clearly understood. This parable describes the separation between Christians and non-Christians when Jesus returns to establish dominion and also teaches that in the meantime, Christians, or "the wheat" are called to live alongside non-Christians in attempts to have them also come to know Jesus. Moving towards those who do not know Jesus provides Christians with real purpose and joy as they await the return of Jesus.

Teaching Kids to Love the Word

Kathy Steinman
Luke 6:39-40

There are several key principles to consider in teaching kids to love the Word. First of all, this is a supernatural work that is brought about by the Holy Spirit. We need to believe that children have legitimate capacity to learn spiritual truths and understand that children often have hearts and minds that are soft to God. We must ourselves love the Word and fight against letting children be bored with the Bible. Through prayer and training we can make ground in this area. At the end of this presentation, there is a panel of volunteers and workers in the children's ministry who participate in Q&A.