Raising Spiritual Servants

Sherri Fojas

Sherri Fojas gives practical advice on how to foster a serving attitude in our children. She also provides creative and developmentally appropriate ideas on ways children can serve. 

Leadership Lessons from David

Scott Risley
2 Samuel 23

We can learn some important lessons from King David regarding leadership, not that he was a perfect leader at all times but that he knew how to turn back to God when he failed. We can study David because he knew how to mobilize others to lead. He pointed people to God. He modeled servant leadership.

Leadership and Humility

Mike Sullivan
1 Peter 5:1-7

Peter teaches that the most effective component of leadership is humility. The path to leadership isn't up, but down. Leaders who know how to humbly follow other leaders make better leaders. God graces humble leaders with protection, empowerment to serve, and many other good things. Whether you desire to become a leader or not, we all are called to "clothe (our)selves with humility."

Every-Member Ministry

Brad DuFault
Ephesians 4:7-16

Paul reminds the believers that Jesus has equipped them to serve others, and he lists different abilities and roles that God may have gifted them in. If everyone plays their unique part, the body of Christ will be experienced more fully.

The Power of Putting Others First

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 3:13-21

While he is in the midst of his own difficult circumstances, Paul encourages the believers to endure hardship and give glory to God.

The Body of Christ

Ben Foust
Romans 12:3-8

Paul compares the believers to a body, making clear that each individual is uniquely important to the body of Christ.

Serving Love in the Body of Christ, Part Two

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:16-28

Dennis finishes up 1 Thessalonians 5 with the remaining imperatives of effective body life. He calls all Christians to rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks, not quench the Spirit, and have discernment on spiritual matters. It is not up to us to muster the ability to do these things, but for us to depend upon God to bring it to pass.

Serving Love in the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15

In this passage of 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul gives five of eleven imperatives for effective body life. (The first imperative was covered in the previous teaching) Here, he urges all to warn the lazy, encourage the fainthearted, care for the weak, have patience, and practice grace toward everyone. A community that practices these things will grow spiritually and be a compelling witness to the world of God's love and transformative power.

Keys to Healthy Spiritual Community

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 5:12-15

The practical instruction Paul gives on building a successful spiritual community begins with having a relationship with God. It requires the right attitude toward spiritual leadership. And it requires each of us taking responsibility to help those around us to grow and working hard to make peace as conflicts arise.