The Key to Spiritual Growth

Scott Risley
Colossians 2:4-15

Growing with God doesn't happen by human effort, but reflecting on the new identity we have in Christ. By knowing and believing in our new identity, our lives can become characterized by gratitude and being rooted in God's truth about what He says about us, which will keep us from being carried away by false teachings.

The Vine and the Branches

Dennis McCallum
John 15:1-13

Jesus uses an analogy of a vine and branches to describe the type of relationship between him and his followers. Jesus is the life-giving source to which believers must have dependence on in order to really bear fruit for God. This is a love-trust relationship between Jesus and his followers where his followers are dependent on Jesus and as they receive from him, they are able to give out from what they have received (self-sacrificial love towards others). It is as we continually abide in Christ that we are able to love others the way Jesus did and have real character transformation and deep satisfaction in our lives. This passage is essential for Christians to understand how to deepen their relationship with God.

Abiding: Our Part in Cooperating with the Spirit

Conrad Hilario
John 15:1-17

Jesus uses a horticultural example to explain God's role and the believer's role in abiding in Christ and the benefits that follow. God lifts us up, raises our level of need for Him, and disciplines us while the believer is called to read the bible, pray, commit to fellowship, and not resist God's discipline. The benefits of abiding in Christ are bearing fruit (i.e. the work God accomplishes through us in others), experiencing the privilege of being a part of God's great plan, cherishing God's friendship, and the joy that comes from Him.

The Cranky Neighbor

Mike Sullivan
Luke 11:5-13

Jesus' parable about the persistent neighbor gives insight into how we should approach God in prayer about ministry. Attitudes of willingness, helplessness and boldness are all critical when we come to God and want to have an impact in His ministry. The implications of listening to Jesus' parable would include praying boldly and moving in spite of our fears.

God Changes Lives!

Scott Risley
2 Peter 1:1-11

The apostle Peter writes to the churches in Northern Turkey expressing God's desire to change our lives. He emphasizes three points: 1) The basis for this change is rooted in what Jesus has done for us, 2) He paints a vision for what this change looks like, and 3) He describes the benefits of allowing God to change our lives.

God Changes Lives!

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 1:1-9

Peter begins his letter by speaking about how God wants to change the lives of believers; He wants to make us more like Jesus, and He has supplied the power for that change. God wants us to partake in the promises that He has given us, and through: having a position in Christ, believing and focusing on that position, and with faith, God will change us.

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

Gary DeLashmutt
John 9:1-41

Jesus backs up his claim to be the light of the world by giving a blind man sight. The blind man receives not only sight but also spiritual insight because he was open to instruction and responds to Jesus, while the Pharisees become more blind through their rejection of this miracle. Willingness to change and humility to admit blind spots is the key to growing spiritually while ignoring counsel and prideful stubbornness can poison spiritual health.

Jesus on Freedom

Gary DeLashmutt
John 8:30-36

Jesus claims to be the source of true freedom, however many people struggle with what true freedom really means. Many people view freedom as freedom from slavery or freedom to do whatever we want, but Jesus portrays freedom as escaping sin and self focus through serving God and others. Part of attaining this freedom involves entrusting oneself to Jesus, but moving closer towards this requires living as a student of Jesus' word. Regularly reading scripture, keeping a focus on God's promises, and acting on Jesus' direction to love others are all ways to obtain more of this freedom.

The Power of God?s Word

Scott Risley
Isaiah 55:1-3

Peter exhorts his audience by telling them of the importance and power of God's Word. The Word of God: gives us life and lasts forever; sustains and stimulates our growth; renews our minds; convicts our hearts; nourishes our souls, and stirs our emotions. Peter says we should crave the word the same way a newborn baby craves milk.