Key Elements of Daily Private Prayer

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 6:6-13

It is important for all Christians to develop a personal, private spirituality with God, and Jesus models that kind of spirituality through the Lord's Prayer. The Lord's Prayer provides a valuable framework for private prayer while also emphasizing three important truths: 1) God is our loving Father and we are his children; 2) God is our rightful King and we are His servants; and 3) God is our Provider and we are dependent on Him daily. We as Christians can pray along these lines daily and as a result develop a deep personal relationship with God.

The Two Ways

Conrad Hilario
Jeremiah 17:5-9

David tells of the two paths people choose between; pursuing God's righteousness through His word, or choosing wickedness apart from God. This polarizing passage paints a clear picture of the outcomes of either path. The lives of the righteous are rooted in and nourished by God's written word. (Includes an introduction to book of Psalms).\r\n

Training for Godliness

Scott Risley
1 Timothy 4:1-10

Paul describes to Timothy what is needed in order to grow with God and train for Godliness. Paul talks about how it is not an easy method but you have to labor and strive for it. Though the work may take diligence, it can be joyful and fulfilling at the same time. God does not want us to live boring, joyless, or ungrateful lives, but this training is something we can do together in the body of Christ.

A Vision for Christian Leadership (Part 1)

Scott Risley
1 Timothy 3:1-2

Why should we want to be a leader? We learn from Paul what the qualifications are for being an elder and deacon. Timothy was given guidance from Paul on how to choose leaders and we can learn from this for those who aspire to be a leader in the body of Christ.

Prayer and Evangelism

Jeanne Arter
1 Timothy 3:1-2

Prayer is the means of communicating with a God who loves unconditionally, but Christians often avoid or neglect it. Praying is a heavy and taxing work. Still, there are ways to commit to prayer and to persevere in it. This is necessary for successful evangelism, and it involves God in reaching people.

Speaking For God

Scott Risley
Colossians 4:2-18

As Christians, we have been entrusted as ambassadors of God's message of forgiveness through Jesus. As we go out and try to tell others about Jesus and his offer of forgiveness, there are some principles that can assist us in this work from God: 1) devotion to prayer; 2) speaking in a way that accurately reflects Christ; and 3) exhibiting wise and authentic behavior to those who don't know Jesus.

Putting on the New You

Scott Risley
Colossians 3:12-17

As we live out of the new identity God has given us, we experience a new way of relating with others. This new lifestyle is characterized by love towards others, extending forgiveness based on God's forgiveness towards us, and an attitude of thanksgiving as we move into others' lives.

Becoming Who You Are

Scott Risley
Colossians 3:1-11

Living out of who God says we are includes focusing on our new identity and putting off the "old" self and way of living. Spiritual growth often results from thanking God for what He's done for us and relating to others in the new way He offers. As we focus in faith on who God says we are, gradually our behavior will reflect our inward beliefs.

A Life Changed By God (Part 2)

Ryan Lowery
Colossians 3:14-16

The apostle Paul continues to discuss doing arising out of being: it is our new identity as Christians that allows us to be used by God to change the world. Paul describes more ways that God wants to grow us to love others better. God wants us to experience the peace of Christ, and He wants us to learn to dwell in His Word.