Navigating Holiday Grief Workshop

By Dwell Grief Ministry Coordinator John Montgomery

The end-of-year holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve) can be the most  wonderful, joyous, and hopeful times of the year. But many times it is our family and friends who give the holidays special meaning. So after the death of a loved one, holiday celebrations can go from joyous occasions to tedious events that must be survived.

But there is hope! The Dwell Grief Ministry will provide a 90-minute workshop,...

Dwell's Redesigned Teaching Archive

One of the most useful resources on Dwell’s website is its Bible teaching archive, offering audio, video, PowerPoints, and other options for thousands of past teachings. As always, you can reach the site through the website or you can go directly from

The teachings archive draws 1000-2000 visits a day--nearly a half-million in a year. They're not just from Dwell but from across the United States and from around the world, using it to study the Bible, prepare for...

Dwell Offering "Reasons to Believe" Class

How do you resolve questions about the problem of evil, how God and science can coexist, and how God is portrayed in the Old Testament?

This fall Dwell is offering a 5-week apologetics class, “Reasons to Believe,” looking at these questions and how they can be answered, but, beyond that, how those answers can lead to more confidence in Biblical Christianity. 

Doug O’Malley is teaching it. He says these topics are explored in Dwell’s Leadership Training Class, LTC, but he thoug...

Next Dwell Parenting Meeting October 13th

Dwell's next Parenting Meeting is Wednesday, October 13th, and features Chris Risley teaching on "How to Raise an Adult." The meeting is 9:30 am in the Main Campus Café, with limited childcare. Chris answers a few questions about the topic:

What will you be covering?

Secular books like How to Raise an Adult and The Coddling of the American Mind are sounding the alarm that college-aged adults are not actually functional adults. They can't seem to liv...

Dwell Member’s Burden Becomes Unique New Ministry

Acting on a burden for the needs of the poor, Dwell member Sarah Fusner created the Community Clothing Outreach (CCO) ministry. It has served hundreds of local families, offering them gently-used clothing in a warm, caring environment. The ministry is looking for more volunteers to help it grow.

For many months Sarah, along with fellow Endeavor Home Church members, operated the ministry out of her home, collecting donations and setting them up like a store, so people could shop for wh...

Join in on the Dwell Community Festival

The Dwell Community Festival is tomorrow, September 18th, from 3:00-10:00 pm, offering games and activities for kids and adults, along with music, great food, and drinks. It's family friendly, and great to share with friends and neighbors. COVID precautions will be in place, and it’ll all be outdoors, offering fun in the fresh air--the weather forecast for tomorrow looks fantastic!

Dwell’s Phil Franck says the goal goes beyond offering a fun day for people of all ages--it’s t...

Dwell Makes Progress on Cincinnati Plant

Several months ago Dwell launched a new college ministry in Cincinnati. Team leader Bryan Jones shares with us about the fruit God is providing from this effort and how you can be a part of making it a success.

What is the "Cincinnati Plant"?

Dwell is sending a team of leaders and workers from Columbus to start a college ministry in Cincinnati, based around the campuses of UC, Xavier, and Cincinnati State. The team will also join an existing adult home church and high ...

Making the Most of Today's Opportunity

By Dwell Pastor John Ross

As we continue the return trek to normal, it’s good to chart our course by the words Jesus left us in Matthew 28:18-20:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The call is astounding — win...

Dwell's Grief Workshop Session Starts Soon

The Dwell Grief Ministry will offer its workshop "Navigating Your Grief," starting August 25th, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. This is a 10-week workshop designed to encourage, educate, and equip individuals who are grieving the death of a loved one. 

Please encourage anyone (even high schoolers) you think might benefit from this workshop to attend. People are free to check out the first few sessions without obligation in order to determine whethe...

Dwell Prepares for Community Festival

The Dwell Community Festival returns this year on Saturday, September 18th. The event runs from 3:00-10:00 pm at Dwell’s Main Campus.

The festival features live music, games for kids, and other fun activities. There’ll be smoked and grilled food and a beer truck (with wine also available this year) as well as craft vendors and booths for community organizations. 

Dwell Hospitality Director Phil Franck says the event will be similar ...