Two Failures, Two Paths

Brian Adams
John 18:1-26

Judas and Peter both failed Jesus in a big way, but their lives went different ways after they failed. This teaching explores why some people grow from their failures while others don't.

The Final Night: Betrayed, Disowned, and Alone

Scott Risley
John 18:1-27

Both Judas and Peter betrayed Jesus, both were sorry.  Judas felt worldly sorrow that resulted in death but Peter felt godly sorrow leading to forgiveness and life.

Overcoming a Hostile World

Scott Risley
John 15:18-16:33

As Jesus approaches His death on the cross, He gives some final encouragement to His disciples.  He warns them that after He leaves this world, the world will treat them the same hostile way it treat Jesus.  He promises them after a period of sorrow, they will experience wonderful joy that no one can take away from them.