Walk in Wisdom

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:15-20

Walking in the light includes carefully practicing wisdom. Wisdom is practical godly insight, developing and applying knowledge. Wisdom seizes the moment and redeems time. There are several ways to use wisdom to advance God's work: letting the Spirit control us, having content-rich fellowship, driving God's truth into the heart, having gratitude, and letting God's counsel come to us through other believers.

Walking in Love

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:25-5:2

The believer's new way of living is set inside a framework of grace. It's substance is love, which includes speaking truth, avoiding apathy and uncontrolled or misplaced anger, being careful in speech, encouraging, and giving forgiveness. The only way to achieve this kind of love is through remembering Christ's sacrifice to also forgive believers.

Playing Your Role

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:11-16

Included in the call for believers is to fill the role they are given in the Body of Christ. Regardless of the role, the motivation to serve will always come out of love. There are four practical steps to get started: 1) get connected, 2) pray for opportunities to serve, 3) give what you've got, and 4) get equipped to give more.

Walk According to Your Calling

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:1-6

Now that believers have a purpose and a calling, there is a process of discovering and growing in God's calling. There are three aspects of this process. It includes growing in: 1) humility and gentleness; 2) patience, forbearance, and love; and 3) unity of community, faith, and hope.

The Purpose-Centered Life: Why Was I Put on This Earth?

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 1-3

The letter to the Ephesians explores what it means to have a purpose. It argues that humans were not created by accident, but instead are called by God. Each individual's calling is unique in type and direction, and believers realize their callings best in the context of the body of Christ.

The Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 2:2

What is the Body of Christ? What does it look like? Jesus emphasizes the importance of believers being unified with himself and each other. To accomplish this, believers must take an active role in developing these important relationships. The early church devoted themselves to spending time with each other, studying God's word, and prayer. This significantly impacted their individual spiritual lives as well as the health and growth of the church.\r\n

Purpose Driven Leadership

Lance Witt
Philippians 2:2

Being a leader for God looks different than being a leader in the world. Explore the verses that build the foundation of one specific church's perception of Biblical leadership and how it functions in today's world. Focusing on community and shared roles, leadership is emphasized by sharing our lives with others.

Managing Conflict in Your Home Group

Jeff Gordon
Philippians 2:2

What does it look like to manage conflict and promote unity amongst members of your leadership team? This workshop gives insight to this very issue with the following goals in mind: 1) learn to handle conflict proactively, 2) learn your tendency in conflict and well as the tendency of your leadership team, and 3) discover at least one thing that God is leading you to do to promote unity in your particular leadership team. \r\n

Spiritually Compromised Relationships

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 6:11-7:3

Paul urges the Corinthians to abstain from relationships that involve compromise to their commitment and witness for Christ. Common forms of spiritual compromise include forbidden religious practices, romantic relationships, business relationships, and family or friends. God's solution to these types of compromised relationships is to remember who we are in Christ. As we learn to build deep and healthy relationships with other committed Christians, we can spare ourselves misery by avoiding getting entangled in compromised relationships.