Avoiding Avarice

Chris Hearty
1 Timothy 6:6-19

In this world, we are flooded with the message that material things will bring happiness. The Bible strongly refutes this belief. True happiness is found in pursuing an eternal value system. Without God's perspective on material things, we cannot fully enjoy the things we do obtain. One of the best ways to avoid the trap of materialism is to be a generous giver.

Preparing for Christ's Return

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 25:14-40

God has blessed all of us with various "riches"--talents, money, time, and other resources. God has given us the role of steward--asking us to wisely use these gifts for His purposes, instead of just using them for our own purposes. In order to be wise stewards, we have to see God as a good and worthy lord of our life, who will recognize our sacrifices as we seek to be good stewards.

Escaping Avarice

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 6:6-19

Paul warns Timothy of the danger of material avarice, which is the extreme greed for wealth or material gain. Instead, Paul encourages the positive values of simple living and the compassionate us of wealth. Paul is not condemning being wealthy, but putting your faith in your wealth instead of God. The problem is not money but the love of money which can lead to conceit and fixing your hope in the uncertainty of riches. There are great riches to be found in contentment and appreciation.

How to Effectively Fight Poverty

James Rochford
1 Timothy 5:1-16

Paul gives Timothy principles for giving financial aid to those in need in the church and outside the church. Poverty is very complicated, but God is liberating people across the globe from physical, medical, educational, and spiritual poverty. As God liberates believers, He calls us to let Him lead us in liberating our finances for Him to bless others around the world.

Assessing Good Spiritual Leadership

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 23:1-25

In the final week of Jesus' life, we see him rebuke religious leaders of the day through his actions and his teachings. In this passage Jesus teaches that good leaders teach the Bible, live what they teach, live modestly, and give God the glory. Instead of pointing people toward trying to keep a set of rules, good leaders help people depend on God to change from the inside out.

Is Pleasure Meaningless without God?

James Rochford
Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

There was no pleasure that King Solomon denied himself. He indulged himself in alcohol, entertainment, women, anything money could buy. Not that any of those things are wrong in themselves, but pursuing them for happiness or meaning is fruitless. He found all those things were meaningless. He discovered he could not enjoy the gifts apart from the Giver of the gifts, God.

The Stone the Builders Rejected

Mike Sullivan
Psalms 118

Psalm 118 is a processional psalm that Jewish pilgrims would sing as they walk toward the city of Jerusalem during the Passover Week. Every Jew would have been very familiar with this psalm. When Jesus entered the temple during His final week on earth, He applied this psalm to Himself by identifying Himself as the stone the builders rejected. The Jews knew the stone represented the victorious king of the Jews.

Body Building

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 4:8-11

Peter encourages every believer to use the spiritual gifts God has given them for the building up of the Body of Christ. Every believer has been given at least one special gift. All are gifted differently so don't compare yourself to another. Using our gifting to the best of our ability enhances community and is intensely pleasurable without negative side affects. Our gifting is also a stewardship so that the greater the gifting, the greater the expectation to use the gifting well.

The Secret of Contentment

James Rochford
Philippians 4:10-13

Most people assume good circumstances equals contentment, bad circumstances equals discontent, but Paul tells us we can learn the secret of being content in all circumstances, whether good or bad. The way to contentment involves giving voluntarily to others, receiving from others, making love an ongoing lifestyle, and finding confidence in and from Christ. Paul really, truly believed that Jesus would always love him, never leave him, and will continue to empower him.