Child Development

Allison Yund

Allison Yund teaches on how to lead your child throughout the different stages of childhood development. She provides practical tips on discipline, boundaries, and areas of attention for each stage of childhood. 

How to Raise Truth Tellers

Kristen Mayer

Kristen Mayer teaches on how to prevent lying in children and how to encourage telling the truth. 

Raising Spiritual Servants

Sherri Fojas

Sherri Fojas gives practical advice on how to foster a serving attitude in our children. She also provides creative and developmentally appropriate ideas on ways children can serve. 

Village Parenting or Helicopter Parenting

Conrad Hilario

(No audio available). Conrad Hilario provides research and practical advice concerning the difference between Helicopter parenting and Village parenting. 

Raising Peacemakers

Liz Sweet

Liz Sweet gives practical tips on attitudes parents can adopt to help their children work through conflict in a healthy way. 

Talking with Kids about Difficult Topics

Halley Clarke

Halley Clarke gives practical tips on how to breach difficult topics with children in ways that are developmentally appropriate.

Positive Sibling Relationships

Gloria McCallum

Gloria talks about healthy ways to help siblings get along and learn about relationships from each other.

Praying for Your Children

Patrice McCormac

Patrice McCormac talks about challenges to praying for our children and how to overcome these various hurdles.

The Reign of David:Uniting the Nation

Scott Risley
2 Samuel 2-6

Although King David was far from a perfect man or king, we can learn from his rich emotional life. He openly expressed himself to God, acted on the teachings of the Word, kept his eyes on God not people, and he realized that people will respect a passionate, expressive person. Finally, he enjoyed being with God's people.