The Return of the King

James Rochford
Revelation 19:1-21

Jesus' long waited return finally arrives and He ends the rebellion and marries His bride.  Evil is judged and now He throws a glorious party!


Brian Adams
Revelation 22:1-21

The final chapters of Revelation deal with the reality of God judging all of mankind at the final judgment.  Those who put their faith in the atoning work of Jesus go to eternal reward. Those who rejected Jesus' offer of forgiveness go to eternal torment in Hell by their own choice,

Views of the Afterlife

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 22:1-21

Conrad contrasts different views of the afterlife and discusses why an accurate view of heaven is so important to this life in the present.

The Fall of Babylon

James Rochford
Revelation 18:1-24

James discusses whether Babylon the Great is a literal city of a world system that will be destroyed within an hour at the end of days.  He gives three reasons to not invest in this world system. 

The Return of the King

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 20:1-6

In Revelation 19, we see the return of Jesus where He will release the fierce wrath of God. In Chapter 20, we see Him bind Satan for a thousand years, inaugurating the Millennial Kingdom.

The Battles of Armageddon

James Rochford
Revelation 16:1-21

Even after all the judgments are poured out on the earth, people still refuse to repent and turn toward God. Instead, they curse God!  But God does not want the story to end this way.  He even sends an angel to fly above the earth and implore people to worship God.

Babylon the Great

Brian Adams
Revelation 18:1-24

Babylon the Great is the kosmos, or world system that values pleasures, distracting us from God's eternal values.  We need to realize the world system is coming to an end and not put our trust in it, but put our trust in Christ.

The Return of the King

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 20:1-6

Jesus, the Suffering Servant and the Conquering King, will inaugurate the Millennial Kingdom after vanquishing the antichrist at the end of the Tribulation.  Then there will be the wedding feast of the Lamb.

Who Is the Antichrist? Part 2

James Rochford
Revelation 13:11-18

The Antichrist is a Satanically inspired dictator who going to pressure all people to follow him, control people financially, deceive people from trusting God and mimic Christianity to draw people away from God.