The Seven Trumpets

Scott Risley
Revelation 8:1-9:20

John the Apostle details the horrifying judgments that will be poured out on the whole world that rejects turning to God at the time of the Great Tribulation.

The Seven Trumpets

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 8:1-9:20

John, the author of Revelation, describes the the judgments that fall on the world as the seven Trumpets of the Tribulation are revealed.

God Seals His People

Scott Risley
Revelation 7:1-17

God puts a seal upon the 140,000 Jewish witnesses to protect them during the Great tribulation.  

The Time Between the Sixth and Seventh Seals of Revelation

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 7:1-17

John describes the events between the 6th and 7th Seal judgements where the 144,000 Jewish believers are sealed for their protection during the Great tribulation.

The Tribulation Trumpets, Part Two

James Rochford
Revelation 9:1-21

In this portion of Revelation, John describes demons who are permitted to torment humans, an army of 200 million people going to war and this army marching across the dried up bed of the Euphrates River toward Israel.

The Seal Judgments of Revelation

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 6:1-17

John describes his vision of the seal judgments of Revelation.  God allows the consequences of the sins of humanity to have their inevitable calamitous conclusion of disease, wars, famine and massive loss of life.

The Tribulation Trumpets, Part One

James Rochford
Revelation 8:1-13

The Apostle John describes the first four Trumpet judgments to befall the earth and its inhabitants during the seven year period of the Tribulation.

The 144,000 and the Regathering of Israel

James Rochford
Revelation 7:1-17

If the events of the Tribulation and all the incredible predictions are hard to believe, then consider how impossible it was to believe the nation of Israel would one day come back into existence in its own land. We can trust what the Bible says about the future because God has already fulfilled incredible predictions in the past.

Who Has the Right to Judge?

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 4:1-5:13

Why does God have the right to judge the world? He has the right because He is morally perfect, and He is the creator and rightful owner of the universe, and Jesus purchased the world with His blood.