Who Is Worthy?

Scott Risley
Revelation 4:1-5:14

Some people question how God has the right to judge us.  Chapters Three and Four of Revelation clearly show how God is truly worthy to judge because He was here first, He is creator of all, He is all powerful, morally good and is our Savior who will put an end to evil.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

James Rochford
Revelation 6:1-17

James Rochford unpacks the identity of the four horsemen unleased at the breaking of the Seal judgments.  They are identified as the Antichrist, warfare, economic collapse and disease and pandemics.

The Cities of Philadelphia and Laodicea

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 3:7-30

In Revelation 3, Jesus speaks to the believers in the city of Philadelphia and encourages them to continue in spite of the difficulties they are encountering. To His followers in Laodicea, He sternly encourages them to not put their trust in their wealth but to place their trust in Him.

Does God Have the Right to Rule?

James Rochford
Revelation 4:1-5:14

What right does God have to rule? He has the right to rule because Jesus is the only perfect ruler, He created and owns the world, and He gave His life for the world.

The Church of Laodicea: The Deception of Materialism

James Rochford
Revelation 3:14-22

Because the church in Laodicea was wealthy, they were deceived into thinking they had no needs, but Jesus rebukes them for putting their trust in materialism instead of Him.  

The Letter to Ephesus

Scott Risley
Revelation 2:1-7

Jesus praises the church at Ephesus for their hard word and suffering but He has one complaint against them: They have left their first love.

The Church in Philadelphia: The Rapture of the Church

James Rochford
Revelation 3:7-14

James Rochford discusses the rescue of the church from the coming Tribulation period.  He argues that the rescue, or Rapture as it is known, will occur prior to the Tribulation.  God does not want anyone to live through this period and since He could return at anytime, are you 100% sure you are ready to meet Him?

The Letter to the Church in Ephesus

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 2:1-7

Although Jesus praises the church in Ephesus, He challenges them to return to their first love. Followers of Jesus should not merely be known for their hard work and dedication but for their love for God and other people.

The Church in Ephesus: Truth without Love

James Rochford
Revelation 2:1-7

In Chapter Two of Revelation, Jesus speaks to the church in Ephesus and challenges them to stop drifting from a lifestyle of love.  He calls them to remember, repent and to repeat.