Christian Freedom

Ben Foust
Romans 13:8-14:22

When morally grey areas pop up, Paul calls on Christians to rely on their conscious and allow others to do so as well.

The Dawn of a New Era

Scott Risley
1 Samuel 1-3

As the time of the Judges comes to a close, Hannah, a faithful servant of the Lord, as promised, offers her only child, Samuel, to the Lord to be His servant. Eli, an unfaithful priest, was unwilling to discipline his sons or show tough love. Samuel, when God calls, answers with, "Here I am!"


Jim Leffel
Hebrews 11:1-29

Zooming in on the life of Moses, who is commended for his faith by the author of Hebrews, we see five core principles of faith.

God Speaks to and Calls People

Conrad Hilario
1 Samuel 1-3

Hannah's faithfulness is contrasted with Eli's and his sons' corruption. Hannah prayed for a son and kept her promise to dedicate him to the Lord's service in the Tabernacle. Her faithfulness led to her having a son, Samuel, who would become a priest who listened to God.

God Identifies His Man

Dennis McCallum
1 Samuel 1-3

God used Hannah, a barren and powerless but profoundly faithful woman to overturn and transform a corrupt system in Israel, leading to the transitional figure of Samuel.

Who You Really Are

1 Samuel 1-3

It's easy for people to view their mental health diagnoses or traumatic histories as their identity. This session explores biblical identity and its power for lasting change.

Living Hope in a Hopeless World

Mike Woods
1 Samuel 1-3

In the face of an increasingly hopeless culture, we will explore how we can have a living and tangible hope that brings buoyancy to our lives and opens hearts to the gospel.

40/40 Vision

Peter Greer
1 Samuel 1-3

Mid-life is often marked by unhappiness and uncertainty, with a conflict between our expectations of our lives and the reality–life, as Solomon says, “under the sun.” Long term faithfulness with God depends on us living “above the sun,” a perspective that gives us true hope and purpose. One way this can be expressed is in relationships, which can be successful, constructive, and comforting when conducted with the reality of God's perspective.

Follow Up: Growth, Persecution, and Judgment

Dennis McCallum
2 Thessalonians 1:1-10

God, in all His amazing wisdom, is able to use the suffering and persecution Christians receive, to grow us spiritually. He promises that those who persecute us will come under eternal judgment, if they refuse to obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus.