Spiritual Brokenness

James Rochford
John 12:12-36

In order for a kernel of wheat to bear fruit, it must fall to the ground and die.  It needs to be broken open.  So too, do followers of Jesus need to be broken to bear fruit.  Jesus uses the difficult circumstances that come into our lives to break our outer selves to let the light of Jesus to shine through.

I AM the Resurrection

James Rochford
John 11:1-53

In this account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, we learn why Jesus waited four days to intervene and what this reveals about the heart of God.  We also learn several important things from the grief of Mary and Martha that can help us endure difficult times of grief.

Death, Grief and Eternal Life

Brian Adams
John 11:1-54

God is not indifferent to the pain and grief we suffer at the death of a loved one.  Because He is powerfully acting even when we cannot see behind the scenes, we do not grieve like the world grieves. We have a hope that sustains us as we look to Him who is the resurrection and the life. 

I Am the Resurrection

Scott Risley
John 11:1-44

The miracle Jesus performed to raise Lazarus from death confirmed to the world the truth of Jesus' claims.  His resurrection anticipates the greater resurrection of Jesus Himself, which guarantees our own resurrections so that we can face death with hope.

Jesus: The Light of Life

Dennis McCallum
John 8:12-59

Jesus came to give light to the world but the religious leaders refused to see that Jesus was who He said He was, the Son of God who could forgive sins.  Instead of acknowledging their Savior, they picked up stones to throw at Him.

The Light of the World

Scott Risley
John 8:12-59

Jesus came into the world because people were walking in darkness,  He came and offered the light of eternal life, but they shut their eyes.  Will you open your eyes and let His light in?

"Who Do You Say that I Am?"

Conrad Hilario
Mark 8:27-37

When first confronted with who Jesus is, one must make a few decisions. The first is do you believe Jesus is God's Savior? This is a personal, significant and polarizing decision. The second decision is will you entrust and devote your entire life to Jesus and His message? To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, to give up yourself for Jesus, you will find your true self and gain Jesus and everything else thrown in.

Living with Hope

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 4:9-5:11

In God's plan for humanity, we were never meant to experience death, but since Adam and Eve sinned, we all have or will experience the evil of death. But Christians do not need to fear death as Scripture is clear, when we die, we go immediately to be with Jesus. Jesus promises to someday come back to earth to gather together those who have put their faith in Him, and take us to heaven, whether we have already died or are still alive on earth. Then the Tribulation period will begin.

Is the Afterlife Real?

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 4

The Bible affirms that the afterlife is real and Jesus is proof of it. Jesus' resurrection from the dead is the source of our great hope, which the world does not have. If you do not have that same hope, why not ask God to reveal this truth to you?