Main Campus

10:00 AM - Central Teaching

2 Samuel 9 The Kindness of the King

Chris Risley

Meeting Feedback

Where to Begin with God

God is personal, and he wants to have a relationship with you. The Bible says all of us have sinned and fallen short of God's perfect standard. But because Jesus died as your substitute, you can be permanently accepted by God and receive the free gift of eternal life. All you need to do is ask God, in humility, to forgive you through Christ's death. The moment you make this decision, God's spirit will enter your heart to give you personal assurance of his unconditional love.


This Week (3/30) Chicken noodle soup, Italian sub, Italian salad

Next Week (4/6) Greek bowls

Upcoming Events

The International Potluck is back and has become a favorite tradition at CT! It’s a fun way to celebrate different cultures through food and décor.

Home churches can pick a country to represent and bring a few dishes to share, along with some decorations to bring the theme to life. It’s a great event to invite friends to and enjoy a variety of flavors from around the world!

Join us after the 10 AM CT service on Sunday, April 27th. Each group should bring 2-3 dishes from their chosen country that can be served in small portions. Plates and utensils will be provided by Dwell, but please bring your own serving utensils.INTERNATIONAL (1).jpg


The Embrace Grace ministry team works to help young women who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy. The ministry aims to come alongside these women, offering emotional, practical, and spiritual support. Click here for more information.

Looking for a ministry for you or a friend? Check out all of our supporting ministries.

Looking to grow in your relationship with God? Try taking one of our classes!