"He sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal." Luke 9:2
Mercy Medical Center proclaims Christ in word and deed as they provide medical care to Cambodians in need. As a development ministry in Cambodia, Mercy Medical Center, is “authentic witness” proclaiming Jesus Christ. MMC operates through a system of strategic referring partners (national churches and Christian organizations) which bring us in contact with underprivileged Cambodians in all 25 provinces. Active evangelism is accomplished in our waiting room and throughout our medical center every day.

- 10 long-term missionary staff provide training and discipleship for the 70 national staff who are the primary evangelists and church planters.
- 100's have come to Christ each year through MMC.
- 15 churches have been planted directly by MMC staff and patients & 60+ churches have been planted through the combined work of MMC with our referring partners.
Our vision is to send spiritually and medically trained bi-vocational national healthcare workers into the provinces to partner with national churches in bringing many Cambodians to Christ.
Patients take some responsibility for their care through a small fee. Referring partners also help, and MMC subsidizes the remaining costs for patient care. Funds go to the operating costs of the center, including national worker salaries in medical, outreach and administrative divisions. Missionary staff are not supported through MMC. For more information visit the Mercy Medical Center website.
Meet Our Team
Tim & Marjie Benadum collaborated with many Cambodians and other organizations to bring about the Mercy Medical Center. Cambodians suffer from many health issues and do not have the resources to obtain the help they need.

To give to Mercy Medical Center, click here. Select Global Partnership Fund, then choose the option for Cambodia- Mercy Medical Center.