Contentedness in Christ

with April

After some unfortunate unexpected circumstances, April finds a deeper level of joy through her relationship with Christ.


So when I was...when I got out of college, I met someone and got married. So that fit my little plan. And but then I kind of started running up to some trouble. When I got married and then I couldn't get pregnant, and then I did get pregnant and I lost the baby. And then my husband had an affair and left. It was like, okay. But I put in all the good things like, why is this happening?

And so it really was a matter of kind of sitting down and evaluating if God is who he says he is then and these things are happening, then maybe it's my view of God that's wrong and not actually God. Even though I was, like, pursuing God hard, I hadn't been introduced to all of who he was yet.

And that was where it was kind of just like breaking down a little bit. And I had to reevaluate like, like I said, if God is who He is, then I must be the one who has the wrong picture of who he is because he's not fitting what I expected and my life is not fitting what I expected.

I never knew how personal God could be. I the years I spent divorced. I had I battled a lot of loneliness and I often dismissed that God could ever fill that loneliness, because what I really wanted was a person, a physical person. And yet he taught me that he can not only fill that space that I think I need filled. But he can be the only person I need.

I don't need anyone else to fill my loneliness. And it's interesting because I can use a period of time when I was like alone relationally like that. But we experience loneliness in every type of relationship, and so it's always those pockets of those like pockets of darkness in our lives. Well God's there too. And he will wait for you in them.