Dwell CTs Return to Normal

This past Sunday Dwell celebrated going “back to normal” at its Central Teachings. It’s a great time to thank God for His faithfulness during a tumultuous and sometimes confusing time.

Throughout the pandemic, Dwell has worked to balance the need to be safe with the need for people to hear the Bible and enjoy time together. To that end we’ve seen both college and adult Central Teachings take many forms. When COVID restrictions first hit, Dwell moved to an all-online format. Then it started offering small Central Teachings that were able to grow in size as more was known about COVID safety.

During this time Dwell also offered more accommodation for outdoor gathering--outdoor heating, fire pits, and tents. The adult Warehouse Central Teaching held its entire meeting--teaching and fellowship--outside, under the shelter of its covered garage area. 

Starting this last Sunday, the Warehouse CT went back to its inside meeting space. With some exceptions, home churches have moved back to their pre-pandemic meeting time and location. And the meetings have opened up to fuller seating.

All this means more volunteers are needed to bring back all the services we’re used to at these meetings, including volunteers in Oasis, the bookstore, the snack bar, the grill, and special event needs. Please contact Kim Geiser (geiserk@dwellcc.org) if you can help.