The Bread of Life

Ryan Lowery
John 6:1-68

The spiritual reality is most important. Humans want physical safety, comfort, and autonomy. God wants for us to have eternal security, meaning, and community. Some of those who had witnessed Jesus' miracles wrongly assumed that he was performing these signs for entertainment and to meet their desires. Jesus wanted them to see that there is something they need that is far more powerful than the physical: a relationship with God Himself. True followers of Christ should not have conditions on their obedience and commitment to Jesus but are called to trust him fully. God will provide what we need to obey, as we step out to serve Him.

When You Are With God

Lee Campbell
Ephesians 5:18-21

God gives us every reason to be thankful, to trust him and to encourage others. In heaven, we will always be what we can choose to be now, filled with the Spirit.

Waiting on God

Ben Foust
Acts 1:8-26

Following the ascension of Christ, the Apostles wait expectantly in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised would come. Through their example, we can learn practical lessons for those times when we also must wait on God. By waiting well, we can experience God's best for us as we learn to patiently trust Him and take part in his plan of salvation.

God Opposes The Proud

Scott Risley
Daniel 4:1-6:23

In the book of Daniel, chapters 4-6 we'll take a look at three different forms of pride from the kings - Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar & Darius, as well as the ways that Daniel responds to them. Daniel teaches us to keep trusting the true God no matter what the cost.

In the Lion's Den

James Rochford
Daniel 6:1-28

Daniel is faced with yet another opportunity for compromise. Yet despite the imminent danger, Daniel gives thanks to and petitions God for help. Daniel's challenge to us is: Will you compromise in the face of persecution, or will you stand for Christ in faith?

Spiritual Birth

Ryan Lowery
John 3:1-21

Jesus meets Nicodemus. Nicodemus tells Jesus that he must be from God because of all the amazing and miraculous things he can do. Jesus tells Nicodemus that no one can be with God unless he or she is born again. Nicodemus comes to understand through this interaction that believing in Jesus' miracles and that He comes from God isn't enough, one must be born again.

Abraham and Isaac: An Unthinkable Sacrifice

James Rochford
Genesis 22:1

God calls us to a life of deep trust in Him, just as He tested Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham said yes to God, and God provided a substitution. Are we willing to put the gifts God has given us into His hands?

Waiting on God

Scott Risley
Romans 4:20-21

Abraham struggled to wait on God's timing in fulfilling His promises. Abraham had a son with Hagar when he felt he couldn't wait any longer on having a son. God came down and revealed to Abraham that this wasn't His plan, and He showed Abraham the magnitude of His promises. God showed Abraham that through his son with Sarah He would build a great nation.

Abraham: The Man of Faith

James Rochford
Genesis 12-17

What is biblical faith? Is there a difference between biblical faith and blind faith? Is there room for doubt? Why do some people have more faith than others? Can we grow in our faith in God? Examining key events in the life of Abraham helps us answer these questions and learn what true faith looks like.