Good News in Bad Circumstances

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:12-18

Paul marvels at how God powerfully uses what to our eyes is a disaster but in God's eyes is an opportunity. Paul's imprisonment was not a serious setback but an incredible opportunity to spread the Gospel to all reaches of the Roman empire through the guards chained night and day to Paul. God is not hindered by the things that to us look like obstacles.

More Than Worth the Hardship Involved

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 2:3-7

Paul writes to Timothy to persevere in suffering and reflects on three metaphors to illustrate this point. The first being a soldier trying to please his commanding officer, the next being an athlete that competes according to the rules, and the last being a hard-working farmer receiving a share of his crops. Paul urges us to call on God for insight into perseverance through suffering.

Principle of Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 2:3-7

After you have received the free gift of God's forgiveness, you have the option of learning to follow His way of life, that is, serving love. It is not required, but if you choose not to, you miss out on the best Christianity has to offer, a life full of purpose and meaning. For those who do decide to follow God's way of serving love, expect to be opposed by God's enemy, Satan. We will suffer hardship if we engage in this battle. Paul gives three models of how to deal with this opposition. The first is a soldier in active service, then an Olympic level athlete, and finally a good farmer.

Portraits of Endurance

Scott Risley
2 Timothy 2:3-7

Paul, writing to Timothy from a Roman prison, calls him to endure hardship with him. He gives three portraits of endurance. He reflects upon the devotion of the soldier, the discipline of the athlete, and the diligence of the farmer. They each willingly suffer and sacrifice in order to attain the goal of their efforts.

A Living Hope

Mike Sullivan
1 Peter 1:1-9

Because our hope is a living hope based in the risen Jesus, we can live as sojourners in this fallen world. This world is not our true home. Heaven is. Eternity in heaven will give us perspective on our current trials we can't fully comprehend right now. Because of this hope, even our pain can be productive.

Do Not Be Ashamed of Your Faith in Jesus

James Rochford
2 Timothy 1:7-18

What is the message? It is unspeakably valuable. God loves us despite what we have done, not because of what we have done. We are loved, not loveable. Jesus chose to give His life as an incredibly heroic act of love. Why should anyone share this message? This is transcendent truth. It is a beautiful message. It has supernatural power to change lives. How can we share this message well? Prepare to suffer and be rejected. Get the focus off your fears, and onto God's transformative power. Remember that it is all worth it!

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 1:8-18

In Christ Jesus, we have been saved from the penalty of our sin. This is an action completed in the past. We are saved from the power of our sin, presently and ongoing. In the future, in heaven, we will be saved from the presence of our sin. If we really understand the tremendous value of the Gospel, we would guard it as a treasure and would not be ashamed of it. Truly know Jesus should remove all shame.

How to Effectively Fight Poverty

James Rochford
1 Timothy 5:1-16

Paul gives Timothy principles for giving financial aid to those in need in the church and outside the church. Poverty is very complicated, but God is liberating people across the globe from physical, medical, educational, and spiritual poverty. As God liberates believers, He calls us to let Him lead us in liberating our finances for Him to bless others around the world.

What Is Faith?

Ben Foust
Mark 5:21-43

The narrative of the woman in the crowd and Jairus and his daughter teaches us what faith is. They both placed their trust in someone to the extent that they acted upon that trust. They each took a risk to reach out to the One who they believed could change hopeless situations. What mattered was not the amount or strength of their faith but the object of their faith, Jesus Christ. His power is absolutely adequate! He can and will set hopeless and broken things right.