Two Types of Blindness

James Rochford
John 9:1-41

James Rochford contrasts the two different reactions to Jesus healing the man born blind.  The Pharisees believed they could see, but were profoundly, spiritually blind, and rejected Jesus, where as the blind man knew he was blind and was willing to see Jesus and worship Him.

Giving Sight to the Blind

Brian Adams
John 9:1-41

The Pharisees proudly thought they could see and had no category for being wrong. While the man born blind knew he could not see!  Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, so that the blind will see and those who (think they) see will become blind."

And Now I See!

Chris Risley
John 9:1-41

We all are born spiritually blind. God allows suffering to open our eyes to the works of God.  Will you let God change your life for the world to see?  Will you testify to God's healing power?