The New Birth

Conrad Hilario
John 3:1-16

Jesus explains his offer of eternal life for those who put their belief in him.

Spiritual Rebirth

Dennis McCallum
John 3:1-18

The decision to be spiritually reborn is the most important decision of your life.  It is free of charge and received by faith. It is a personal relation and so different from formalism.

"Who Do You Say that I Am?"

Conrad Hilario
Mark 8:27-37

When first confronted with who Jesus is, one must make a few decisions. The first is do you believe Jesus is God's Savior? This is a personal, significant and polarizing decision. The second decision is will you entrust and devote your entire life to Jesus and His message? To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, to give up yourself for Jesus, you will find your true self and gain Jesus and everything else thrown in.


Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 2:1-10

Our love for God and our gratitude for Jesus' sacrifice are the only motivators that will help us to successfully follow God's will.

How Salvation Works

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 1:1-14

Ephesians opens up with the message that our salvation through Christ is the basis of our faith and spiritual growth.

Results of God Becoming Human

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 2:5-18

Christ's death solved humanity's problem of sin by presenting victory over issues that only God can fix, paying a debt that humans cannot pay, and demonstrating his love and justice to us.

Good to Great

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 1:4-2:4

Paul mentions angels and the unseen world, breaks down the process of salvation, and warns his audience not to stray from this good news.

The Enduring Message of Jeremiah

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 1:4-2:4

Looking at the book of Jeremiah as a whole, we see the general consequences of living a life apart from God, as well as the insurmountable love that is present in God's offer to restore us.

A Model Church

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 1:1-8

The church described in 1 Thessalonians is a model church that we would do well to imitate because they were young and suffering but were happy. They were trusting God more every day and loving each other and those nearby in spite of their trials. They were clinging to their hope of eternity which gave them the ability to endure difficulties with joy.