Becoming Who We Are (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1

Paul's letter to the Ephesians begins with an emphasis on the new identity given to those who put their faith in Christ. This is a central message across Paul's letters and deeply impacts how we relate to God and others. Understanding and living out of our new identity is the key to real, lasting change in our lives. As Christians, we can rest in our adoption into God's family, the redemption we have through Jesus Christ, and the forgiveness Jesus provided at the cross.

Change Your Life!

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 1:1-9

Peter, at the end of his life, begins his letter by speaking of the importance of our position in Christ. Believing and living in our position in Christ is how we are able to grow and become more Christlike.

Arm Your Minds!

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 4:12-19

There is suffering we can avoid, but also suffering we can't! When we undergo necessary suffering, how we respond to the pain in our lives is important. We can respond negatively by lashing out, running away from our problems, or becoming resentful. We need to remember that we have an enemy, that this world is fallen, and that suffering is necessary for spiritual growth. We can trust God through it to work good in spite of the brokenness of our world!\r\n\r\n

Building Character in the Life of Your Disciple

Howard Hendricks
1 Peter 4:12-19

Developing character in others begins with letting God develops it in us, and for that we need to focus on scripture. Hendricks focuses on several key passages for developing character, emphasizing it's incredible importance in the the life of someone who desires to have an impact on the Kingdom of God. \r\n\r\n

The Vine and the Branches

Dennis McCallum
John 15:1-17

Jesus uses the picture of a vine and it's branches to describe Christian growth to his disciples. Jesus teaches that he is the vine, the source of life and power for the Christian, and we are the branches. Just as a gardener prunes a branch, enabling it to bear fruit, so God does ?pruning? in our lives so that we can bear spiritual fruit. We learn that our focus should not be on fruit bearing (producing results), but on staying deeply connected to Christ.

The Spirit of Freedom (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:16-25

Character transformation is an ongoing process that happens as we depend on the Holy Spirit's power in our lives. Developing a radical dependence on God to change us, we are able to see Him grow our ability to show sacrificial love, take joy in other's growth, and stay at peace with people. Other areas of transformation include gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.

Profile of an Effective Ambassador

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 6:1-10

Paul highlights a few ways that we can be effective as Christ's ambassadors: 1) not discrediting the ministry; 2) radical Commitment; 3) attractive spiritual qualities; and 4) enjoying paradoxical results. If we are committed to conducting ourselves in every arena as representatives of Christ, eager to volunteer ourselves for His service, and able to apply and live out God's Truth in our lives, we will be able to endure what others say to the message of Christ, knowing that our faithfulness is to Christ not people.

A Call to Diligence; Wielding the Sword Accurately

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 3:14-19

Timothy's church was facing a unique form of false teaching that combined mystical Judaism with popular Greek philosophy, and Paul commanded Timothy to handle the word of God accurately as a result. This command is not just relevant for Timothy though - modern believers face similar teaching and must be able to accurately interpret and explain God's Word to those questioning the Christian faith. These skills can be developed through diligence and intentional study of the Bible, and when they are combined with personal experience of the Holy Spirit, Christians can thrive and serve others more effectively.

Praying Against Satan

Dennis McCallum
Luke 11:15-22

God and His people are living in the midst of a spiritual war against Satan. Jesus tells us that we are able to bind the strong man, Satan, and invade his kingdom through prayer. When we pray, we unleash God's power to destroy Satan's attacks. Therefore, we should be alert and engage in spiritual warfare.