The World of Ideas (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Amidst spiritual warfare, it's vital to remember the importance of the mind. Taking our thoughts captive requires a deep understanding of the power of God's Word, along with our minds being shaped by what His Word says. As we conform ourselves to God's Word, we will be able to discern false thinking and combat it with His truth.

The Blessings of Generosity

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 9:10-15

God's generosity towards us is the basis for us being generous to others with our resources. As we agree with God's way of generous living and giving, we can store up for ourselves a spiritual harvest of reward along with being enriched in every way, according to His Word. Our generosity will result in thanksgiving to God and prove a vital witness to those who don't know God. Convinced Christians that are generous will be blessings to those around them and will store up for themselves great reward in the next life for their service to God.

Getting Real

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 2:1-4

Paul's desire to see the Corinthians again highlights characteristics of their relationship. Paul's relationship with the Corinthians could be described as high-risk with close-bonds. He was genuine and clearly communicated his love for the Corinthians, shared deep compassion with them, was convinced of this relationship based around God, and encountered much joy and confidence in them. These types of close relationships are effective and satisfying and should be the general trend within Christian community.

Jesus' Conception

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 1:26-56

The purpose of the book of Luke is to help people make an informed decision to follow Jesus as humanity's savior by giving them accurate information about his unique life. Like when an angel appeared to Mary to inform her that she was pregnant, and when Zacharias was told his barren wife would have a son, God discloses a portion of our role in his plan, and calls us to embrace it by a step of faith. This step is scary, and it requires a decision to actively trust God, but taking this step results in experiencing confirmation, awe, and joy.

The Sending of the Twelve

Dennis McCallum
Mark 6:7-13

Jesus' sending of the twelve reflects important principles of Christian ministry. Jesus' instructions included sending out in pairs for support, how to endure failure, and looking for those who could be bridges for God's work. Doing God's work involves hardship and dealing with people that are unresponsive to Christ, but is extremely rewarding and exciting. This teaching included a testimony about the joy of serving God.

Jesus' Method

Dennis McCallum
Mark 3:7-19

Personal discipleship was at the center of Jesus' three and a half year ministry on earth. Jesus spent the majority of his time investing in love relationships with his disciples to instruct, model, and teach them in order that they would go and replicate that with others. These types of relationships are God's intended method of reaching people for Christ throughout the New Testament and involves much personal sacrifice and toil, but is highly rewarding as people mature spiritually to become active servants of Christ.

Responding to Jesus' Gift

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 10:19-25

Shifting from theological argument to practical application, the author gives suggestions on how to respond to Jesus' gift of salvation. He says that his audience should: 1) cultivate relational closeness with God, 2) keep sharing their faith with others, and 3) keep inciting one another to live out God's love. He warns against auto-pilot and stagnant faith without active love and service.

Developing Your Prayer Life

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 10:19-25

Gary DeLashmutt covers practical tips on staying connected to God in day-to-day life as well as making the most of times set apart for prayer. He encourages praying spontaneously and praying with others as two main ways to bolster our prayer lives. His explanations of the benefits of each include specific challenges for his listeners to consider.\r\n

Praying for Spiritual Enlightenment

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 1:16-22

Praying for spiritual enlightenment for ourselves and for others is important. Spiritual enlightenment involves the Holy Spirit supernaturally enabling us to see what God gives us through His son, Jesus. Gary DeLashmutt gives his personal testimony of how initial enlightenment sparked his relationship with God, then explains the role of enlightenment in spiritual maturity as to not get stuck in perpetual spiritual infancy.