From Past to Future

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:4-11

We are transformed when we enter into a relationship with Christ, but we are still susceptible to being drawn back into a way of living that represents our old or "earthly" nature. We should strive to identify these dangers, agree with God, and move forward towards what He has for us!\r\n\r\n

Where's Your Head At?

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:1-4

In Christian living, our focus is of the utmost importance. Rather than listening to outside voices, or our own feelings and insecurities, we can stand firm in Christ and on the Word of God. \r\n

Continue with Christ Just the Way You Started

Jim Leffel
Colossians 2:6-23

We have been given so much in Christ: forgiveness, purpose, and future hope. Yet often we feel like we need so much more, and we seek after experiences or follow rules in order to try and gain more, which never produces what we want. In reality, when we turn to God and recognize what He has given us, it is more than enough! \r\n

Introducing Colossians

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:1-2

Paul begins his letter to Colasse by introducing himself and who he is writing to. He calls the Colassians faithful, implying marks of spirituality worth considering: a reliable foundation, a revolution within, and a visible difference within people. These marks are internally-based, not dependent on our conforming to people around us.

Healthy Truth

Jeff Gordon
Hebrews 4:12

The Bible teaches that objective truth exists and brings both spiritual and physical health into our lives. Jeff Gordon explains the truth's role in exposing us so that, from there, we can grow. He advocates the stability we gain from basing our lives on truth and expands on practical applications such as: taking courses on the Bible, meditating on scripture, memorizing verses, and acting on truth.

Practicing the Word

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 5:11-14

The aftermath of a hardened heart towards God is spiritual dullness. As a result, Christians in this state are not accustomed to understanding the depths of God's Word, leaving them incapable of real spiritual discernment or the ability to live out God's truth in their lives. Not being deeply rooted in God's Word is a sign of spiritual immaturity and should be a warning sign to being unresponsive to God. Those who wish to grow radically with God should orient their lives around His revealed truth.

Entering God's Rest

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 4:1-16

The author of Hebrews describes entering God's rest. God's rest is communicated through His radical grace, to recognize the sufficiency of Christ to accomplish what we could not. To the original audience, this rest included a step of faith, total dedication, and a lack of confidence in self. Today, it means that we trust God will come through, giving up on "works". This kind of relationship with God is genuine and is rooted in the confident assurance to approach God based on His grace, not by our works.

Complete in Christ

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 13:9-14

Becoming complete in Christ is an ongoing process where who we are in Christ becomes more and more evident in all aspects of our lives. Living out of our new identity in Christ necessitates believing what God says about who we are, including that we are forgiven, acceptable, and redeemed. Our responsibility in this process is to take steps of faith to live out God's Word of who we are. God's love and grace are motivating factors in this process to love others and help others reach spiritual maturity. When we do this, we are strengthened to be effective in the work God has for us.

Be a Good Worker

Jeff Gordon
2 Timothy 2:15-26

God's grace empowers us to be good workers for the Lord. Those who work hard under God's grace take a stand on truth. Paul's audience does not live a life like this. They have instead drifted away from the truth and have shame-filled lives. Paul reminds them of the foundation of God's truth -- we were designed by God to know Him personally and are motivated by His love and commitment to us. With this core truth in mind, we can run away from sin and run toward righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace.