The New Worship & Our Money

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 13:5-6

The new worship involves having a new perspective on money. Believers need to reject materialism's empty promises that lead to disastrous decisions. Believers also need to embrace and pursue God's purpose for life and cultivate enjoyment of the good things God gives, whether physical, intellectual, aesthetic, or relational. Finally, believers need to practice consistent and spontaneous generosity, which protects us and gives us excitement for eternity.

How to Suffer Victoriously

Jim Leffel
Romans 6:3-4

How do we suffer in a way that does not destroy our lives? We are commanded to arm ourselves for suffering. Deep within we must understand our participation in the death of Christ. If we are dead to what this world is about, then we do not have to be driven by fear anymore. Peter gives practical instructions for suffering victoriously. Video clips from Titanic and Band of Brothers are shown.\r\n

Mary of Bethany

Jill Briscoe
Luke 10:38-42

Through beautiful stories and examples comes encouragement to not waste the pain and suffering in our lives, but allow God to use it. It is through adversity that we have a choice to deepen our faith. Mary of Bethany is a woman who through her life gave her heart, home, and hurt to Jesus. \r\n

Increasing Your Capacity to Give God's Love

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 4:7-21

In order to grow in our love for others, we need to be trained by God. God develops our love for others through His Word. God can teach us to love others through spiritual promptings by His Spirit, through godly role models, and by placing people that are hard to love in our lives. As God grows our ability to give love to others, long-lasting sources of joy are produced as we see God use us.

Joy and the Secret of Contentment

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Everyone is looking for contentment. Some of us spend our entire lives chasing it. What is contentment and how do we find it? Is there a place for discontentment? Paul said he found the secret to being content in any and all circumstances. He discussed two aspects of learning this secret: transforming our inner lives with God and accepting God's provision for our lives. God wants us all to experience contentment.\r\n

Joy, Conflict and Anxiety

Jim Leffel
Philippians 4:1-9

Throughout the book of Philippians, Paul keeps coming back to the same thing: joy! This section about conflict and anxiety is no different. In fact, he begins with this command: rejoice! How do we rejoice in the heat of conflict or in the midst of anxiety? Paul gives insight into living in harmony with one another, forgiveness, forbearance, and anxiety.\r\n

Joy of Knowing Christ

Jim Leffel
Philippians 3:1-16

The entire book of Philippians focuses on joy and rejoicing in what the Lord has done for us. In chapter 3 the Philippians are warned about people who teach that we have to rely on the good things we do to get right with God. Paul explains that either Jesus died for our sins or it is up to us; it cannot be both. The Bible says our adequacy comes from God. We cannot add or take away from our acceptability before Him. A testimony by Dave Durrell is included.\r\n

Joy and Spiritual Unity

Jim Leffel
Philippians 2:1-3

Under great stress you learn more about who you really are. Suffering brings out critical weaknesses and also reveals your true priorities. Unity is essential in the midst of suffering. As Christians, we have a corporate identity in Christ and each other, through the Holy Spirit. Paul explains to the Philippians what spiritual unity looks like in every day life.

Life, Death and Joy

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:21-30

You can't truly live until you've resolved the question of death. You can try to ignore or distract yourself from thinking about death. When you have resolved the question of death, it produces hope, joy, freedom, and a deep longing for the promised afterlife.