Embracing a Lifestyle of Love:Cultivating Love Toward God

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:15-17

Developing spiritual maturity starts with cultivating a mental focus on the treasure of God's great love for us. Spiritual maturity proceeds by embracing a lifestyle of giving God's love to others as well as to God. Cultivating thankfulness toward God is important because, for one, it is the only sane response to God's grace.

Counter Cultural Community in the Age of Rage

Ed Stetzer
Colossians 3:12-17

In an increasingly angry and hostile world, Christians can have the opportunity to shine brightly in contrast. Maturity of faith is evidenced by how you love others. Colossians 3 gives a road map to loving others well: Look like Christ, forebear and forgive, lead with love and be thankful.

God's Ambassadors

Lee Campbell
2 Corinthians 5:17-6:10

The Bible describes Christians as being God's ambassadors, devoted to God's mission and representing Him to those who don't yet know Him. If we're in tune with the wonderful gift we possess as His children, and grateful for it, we will naturally seek to tell others about the opportunity to receive Christ. We will be most effective at sharing Christ when we cultivate sincere, caring relationships with others, when we cultivate our character, and when we focus on God's love for us, and not the other person's response to this message.

The Stone the Builders Rejected

Mike Sullivan
Psalms 118

Psalm 118 is a processional psalm that Jewish pilgrims would sing as they walk toward the city of Jerusalem during the Passover Week. Every Jew would have been very familiar with this psalm. When Jesus entered the temple during His final week on earth, He applied this psalm to Himself by identifying Himself as the stone the builders rejected. The Jews knew the stone represented the victorious king of the Jews.

When Jesus is Sitting on Your Couch

Scott Risley
Luke 10:38-42

When Jesus knocks on your door and you invite Him in, when he is sitting on your couch, do you sit at His feet and drink in all he has to say? Or do you rush around laboring over all the preparations, building up resentment toward others and Jesus for not helping you, for not caring about how hard you are working? Jesus invited both Mary and Martha to sit at His feet, but only Mary chose to prioritize being still at His feet, eagerly listening to Him. Martha wasn't wrong for doing the preparations. She was wrong to be bitter and accusatory. Jesus did not rebuke Martha but he also refused to rebuke Mary for not helping Martha because Mary had chosen what is better.

How Does God Help When it Hurts?

James Rochford
1 Peter 4:12-19

The Bible warns us that suffering in this world is inevitable. The question is will you suffer as the world suffers, with surprise and complaining or will you suffer with joy and gratitude that you have received mercy instead of justice? Why is gratitude the right response to suffering? Gratitude gives us a "mental break" and places suffering in the correct context. Gratitude also reminds us we are not imprisoned victims of our circumstances. The real question is do you believe God is trustworthy or not?

Spiritual Lifestyle in a Rugged World

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 4:12-19

Peter offers six things to do or not do when encountering suffering as a Christian. Firstly, do not be surprised! Jesus told us the world first hated Him and will hate us as well. Secondly, keep on rejoicing. We can rejoice because suffering teaches us many valuable lessons. Thirdly, do not bring on unnecessary suffering by sinning. Fourthly, do not be ashamed because you bear the name of the One who was not ashamed to go to the cross for us. Fifthly, entrust your soul to a faithful Creator because surely the One who created you will also take care of you in all circumstances. Finally, continue in doing what is right even in the face of difficulties.

Community Renewal:Christ Is All in All

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:10-17

As Christians, we have become a new creation in Christ, not just as individuals but also as the corporate body of Christ. We are to put on the newness of Christ not merely as individuals but as a whole community. A renewed community thrives on grace, is united through love, cultivates peace, grows in truth, and reflects Christ to others.

Living Stones

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 2:4-9

Neither the temple not the tabernacle were ever believed to actually be where God resided. It was meant to be a way to teach the people of God's plan to rescue them though a substitutionary sacrifice. Now that Jesus has come and made that sacrifice for us, we have become the temple where God does reside. Each believer is a unique living stone fitted in just the right position to build the "wall." As each stone fulfills its role in resting on the foundation stone of Jesus and supporting other stones above it, the spiritual community of stones working together declares to the world the awesomeness of God.