Life Together

Chris Hearty
Galatians 6:1-9

To live life together with love in spiritual community with God's people, we must be willing to know and be known by other people. Real Christian community involves being honest about our battles over sin and temptation and gently helping others with their struggles with the same. Imagine what life would be like in a community where people were not boastful but humble, not competitive but willing to help restore people, not bearing just their burdens but each other's burdens and never giving up?

Others-Centered Life

Conrad Hilario
Galatians 6:1-9

An others-centered life would not be boastful or competitive. It would be humble and willing to gently correct others when needed. It would involve knowing and being known by others. It would involve mutual bearing of each other's burdens even while still bearing one's own burdens. Others-centered life gives sacrificially, but never gives up

Mature Christian Love

Ryan Lowery
1 Thessalonians 3:1-13

In this passage Paul describes several aspects of godly relating. They include valuing in-person time, serving and being served, being focused on prayer and time in the Bible together, and putting Christ at the center. Putting these aspects into practice will result in mature Christian love.

Taming the Tongue

James Rochford
James 3:1-12

James expresses the importance of taming the tongue--of using our words not in destructive ways that damage relationships and tear others down, but rather using our speech to love others and build them up. This is not only an outward discipline, but a result of a changed heart before God. Practical ways of taming our tongue include developing a respect for the power of our words, speaking less and listening more, regularly hearing from God through reading the Bible, and prayerfully planning ahead when entering into conversations.

Defending People Facing Discrimination

James Rochford
James 2:1-10

James writes that there should be no favoritism or preferential treatment within the Church. Racism, Sexism, Ageism, or any other form of discrimination have no place among God's people, since we all stand before God as His image bearers, all sinful and redeemed by His grace. We should never use superficial traits to make judgments about a person's character or value.

Authentic Community

Mike Sullivan
James 2:1-10

Studies show that people today are more isolated and lonely than ever before, and that we are suffering because of it. Psychology shows that people need social interaction to thrive, which confirms the emphasis the Bible places on relationships. Especially in turbulent cultural times, the church has an opportunity to stand out as a beacon of God's love and healthy community.

Fervent Love

Ben Foust
1 Peter 4:7-11

Peter writes to the early church, which is feeling pressure from the surrounding culture of the Roman Empire. He urges the believers to prioritize love for one another, a fervent love that is rooted in community, sincere, and gracious. This is an important message for today, a time in which people are less connected and more lonely than ever and longing for this kind of community.

Living Stones

Ben Foust
1 Peter 2:4-10

Peter uses the metaphor of the temple to describe the proper functioning of the church. The stones represent individual believers, each with their own role, but also working together toward the purpose of proclaiming the excellencies of Christ to the world. The cornerstone is Christ, whom the whole building is built around, but who is also a stumbling block for those who disbelieve.\r\n

Sacrificing our Freedoms

James Rochford
Romans 14:1-15:1

Paul explains that we have a great deal of freedom in Christ, within the bounds of God's moral absolutes, though occasionally, a person may choose to restrict their freedom over matters of conscience. Even if we feel liberty to exercise our freedom in a certain area, we should restrict ourselves out of love if our actions would negatively impact someone else.