Keeping it Together in a World Falling Apart (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 4:12

Towards the end of human history, humanity will turn towards selfishness and a growing coldness towards other people. This trend will produce religion that is centered around meeting people's felt needs rather than the truth, but unfortunately this type of religion will not relieve the legitimate guilt that people feel or meet people's true relational needs. Authentic Christianity, however, features direct revelation from God through the Bible, and this revelation is both powerful and accessible. All Christians are capable of learning the truths of the Bible and becoming convinced of its validity and usefulness through personal interaction with God and study. A video testimony from Kyle Hanser is included.

The Great Tribulation (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 24

While Jesus explains the details of the end of the world, the natural question of timing arise. When will these things take place? Although we can know many of the signs, we cannot know the specific time. Because of this, Christians should strive to be alert, focused, and live with a sense of urgency.

The Great Tribulation (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Mark 13

Three New Testament chapters combine to give a more full picture of Jesus' description of the end times. Humanity as a race cannot fix itself and needs rescued, and God intends to do that.

The Great Tribulation (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Luke 21:5-24

Jesus, talking with his disciples, describes what will come in the end times. How can we know that his predictions hold weight? We can look towards prophesy that has already been fulfilled.

Signs of the Times (Part 6): Sociological

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 15:51-52

Within the scriptures we can piece together the timeline for the end times. There will be a rapture, the great tribulation, the second coming of Christ, the millennial kingdom, and finally God's great white throne of judgement. The description of the last days sounds terrifying because the moral standards of the world become completely subjective. Anything goes. This will have a huge impact on our ability to experience relationships.

Signs of the Times (Part 5)

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 8:8-11

Jesus' words on the end times reflects all over scripture. There will be a man who comes called the antichrist who will perform the abomination of desolation. He will carry out horrific acts and the whole world will worship him. Our world today is and is becoming the world we see described in scripture that sets the stage for the end. It is crucial that all people make a choice and enter into a relationship with Jesus. It should be our goal to share His love with everyone.

Signs of the Times (Part 4): The Political Scenario of the Last Days

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 17:9-13

Jesus predicts what will occur at the end of human history, mentioning specific political signs that will signal this time period. With supporting passages from Daniel and Revelation, we see that there will be a great eastern power, a unified Europe, and the emergence of the antichrist. Our changing world today points to the plausibility of this type of political scenario taking place in the future.

Signs of the Times (Part 3): One World Trends

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 17:8-13

There are many prophecies that God declares must be fulfilled before the end times. One prophecy that God declared will occur is the regathering of the nation of Israel. In 1947, this prediction occurred. God also says that a one world government will come about before He returns. The threads we see today leading to the reality of a one world government includes: international entertainment; global business; global monetary markets; the information revolution; and increased weapons technology.

Signs of the Times (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Luke 21:11

Plagues and pestilence is one of the signs of the last days. Studies in the last ten years point more and more towards God's prophetic words on the end times. Scientific research is telling us that more diseases and common bacterial infections are becoming less likely to be cured by common antibiotics. It is safe to say that the reality of a future of pestilence is probable, like the Lord declared.