The Whore of Babylon

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 18

This prophecy introduces us to another evil character in the End Times, the "Whore of Babylon", that is used to describe the judgment that God will carry out on the earth. She embodies the spiritual adultery of Israel and the apostate Church's worship of idols as history comes to a close. Also described as "Babylon the Great", she represents fallen humanity's determination to construct a society without a need for God by accumulating material wealth, comforts, and technology. Don't be deceived by the appeal of Babylon; turn to Jesus Christ, who is the source of true fulfillment!

The Beast

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 19:19-20

This passage predicts the rise and fall of the key human instrument of Satan during the End Times - the beast (or the "Antichrist"). The beast will emerge from a revived form of the Roman Empire, will be raised up and energized by Satan, will have world-wide dominion, will blaspheme God, will persecute Christians, and will finally be defeated by Jesus upon His return. Don't respond to this prophecy with skepticism, obsession, or fear. Rather, be confident in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who is in control.

War with the Dragon

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 12:1-17

John describes Satan's attempt to kill Jesus, Satan's expulsion from heaven, and Satan's attack on the followers of Jesus during the Great Trinulation. Within this section of the letter, we learn that Satan is a dragon who devours, a serpent who deceives, and an accuser of the brethren. But John does not stop there, and shows us how we can defeat Satan at each turn by not denying our sins, refuting with truth, and being willing to give up even our lives.

The Great Tribulation: God's Judgmental and Redemptive Activity

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 6-16

John describes what we can expect in the end times: God's judgmental and redemptive acts. God allows humanity to rebel against Him, but one day He will reluctantly alienate those who do not accept His leadership. His desire, however, is for people to turn toward Him. So, while in the final days He will act as judge, He will also reach out to people in extraordinary ways to reveal the path to salvation.

Introduction to Revelation

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 1

An overview of the book of Revelation including analyzing the style, structure, and the purpose of the book. John wanted to fortify the believers to follow him to withstand persecution. In this letter to seven churches within the province of Asia, he emphasizes who Jesus really is ? both king and savior ? and we see the importance of relating to Jesus as both.

History's Final Chapter (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Mark 13:9-37

Jesus speaks to his disciples on the Mountain of Olives about the end times. He now begins to speak about specific details that will announce his second coming. The purpose of this prophetic teaching is to give the disciples confidence in God's ability to fulfill prophecies, and to warn them about that which is to come.

History's Final Chapter (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Mark 13:1-8

How can we trust that prophesies that have not yet been fulfilled will come to pass? By looking at the prophesies God has already fulfilled. Jesus begins to speak of the end times, and warns that we must be wary of those who would try to deceive us by pretending to be Christ returned. Jesus speaks about signs and events that will tell us the second coming is really near.

Considered Philosophically and Prophetically

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 12:9-13

Are we becoming so politically correct that we can't call an evil act exactly what it is? Will holding to objective truths lead to violence? We see that when put to the test our post-modern consensus fails the test of reality. We look into what real truth is and what true prophesying, such as comparing the foretelling of the regathering of Israel against vague works like Nostradamus.

Keeping it Together in a World Falling Apart (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 4:1-4

Toward the end of human history, people will become increasingly selfish and concerned with satisfying their own desires. Spirituality, then, will follow suit and feature doctrines that are centered on increasing self-esteem, pleasure, and prosperity. This new spirituality will even redefine truth as individual and validated by one's own feelings instead of external sources. The Bible's message of forgiveness only through Jesus Christ, however, is the message that can best meet people's needs, and Christians should boldly preach, declare, and apply God's Word to the watching world.