The Beast(s)

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 13:1-18

Three Beasts emerge in the next part of John's vision. The roles of the first Beast are reinforced by prophecy from Daniel, including his humanity, his total world dominion, and the abomination of desolation. The Beast will persecute the people of God, but will ultimately be destroyed by Christ when he returns. The course of history that would allow these predictions is dissected, and the possibility of this prophecy becomes clear.

The Beast & the False Prophet

Scott Risley
Revelation 13:1-18

During the end times, the Beast and the False Prophet will rise up and rule for a period of time. Some of the characteristics of the Beast include: 1) rises to power in an empire consisting of 10 nations; 2) he establishes a world-wide government for the first time; 3) he is able to control what people buy and sell, worldwide; 4) he gains control of the world in only 3.5 years; 5) he commits an "abomination of desolation"; 6) he launches a war so destructive that God has to step in before the life on earth is wiped out completely; 7) this happens during a time when Israel is regathered and exists as a nation; 8) during his reign, God ends history as we know it and establishes the kingdom as God.

The Dragon and the Woman with Child

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 12:1-17

The next piece of John's vision contains a dragon who waits to devour a woman's newborn son. The dragon represents Satan, who attempts to destroy the child and his mother, causing destruction and persecution of the Jewish people. Although he is defeated at the cross, there are still ways that Satan accuses humanity to each other and God throughout time.

The Dragon, the Woman & Her Child

Scott Risley
Revelation 12:1-18

We are currently in a battle between the dragon (Satan), the Woman (Israel), and her child (Jesus) that will come to a close after the tribulation. During this time, believing Jews will flee and be protected by God. We should be aware of the strategies Satan uses in this battle against us to be prepared. In the end, God will ultimately win this battle and the war at large. Which side will you be on?

Other Reflections on the Tribulation

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 10:1-11:14

John relays more information from his vision, while leaving some information out on purpose. He mentions the Temple, which could be confusing because there is no Temple. Ezekiel 40-48 is used to help interpret this, leading to the following conclusions: there will be a literal rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem; there will be two witnesses who are real men; and their message of judgment will be fulfilled. God is telling us the future of the world so we can respond.

God's Eternal Kingdom (Part 3)

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 3:17-19

The interior of the New Jerusalem contains a garden which symbolizes its restorative power. In the Garden of Eden, man first experienced theological, psychological, and ecological separation. This restoration with God, ourselves, and nature is provided only through Jesus' sacrificial death. Those who have received this gift should then tell others.

God's Eternal Kingdom (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 21:9-27

This passage on the New Jerusalem is mainly symbolic, but indicate literal truths about its glory. It will be populated by God's people, full of the beauty of perfect creation, full of human creativity, utterly secure, and pervaded by God's presence. Christians who focus on their inheritance in this kingdom will have greater resilience in adversity.


Jenny Hale
Revelation 22

Building off of John's description of the New Jerusalem, this passage describes the incredible future that awaits Christians in Heaven. Among the qualities listed are no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain; no more evil; and God's presence forever! This knowledge of eternity should affect Christians by encouraging them to want to see more people there with them. It also allows Christians to know that their suffering is temporary.

The Seven Trumpets

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 8:1-9:21

John's vision of the opening of the seals continues when the Lamb of God opens the seventh. Terrible disasters and wars occur, and demons are unleashed. Despite all of the evidence of God, people still do not turn to Him. John's vision is a warning of how living a life without God is always self-destructive and dangerous.