The Newness of Life

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 3:9-14

Paul tells us God wants to forgive our sins and give us new life based on the work Jesus did on the cross for us. Some people never progress beyond receiving His forgiveness, but those who desire to grow and walk with Jesus will encounter suffering and failure. But this the only way for God to break through our fleshly resistance and conform us to the likeness of Christ.

Death and Its Discontents

James Rochford
Philippians 3:17-21

Without eternity, earthly things are all we have in this life. There is no hope, no point to life, no way to face death. With all the knowledge and advances in technology, we still do not know how to prolong life. In a universe without God, this is the end of the story. Thank God this is not the end of the story! Thanks to Jesus, out citizenship is in heaven, provided, that is, that you are a believer.

The Glorious Transformation

Scott Risley
Philippians 3:17-21

As believers, when we die our body is temporarily separated from our spirit but a day will come where our spirit is reunited with our transformed, resurrected body. It will be a glorious body that will retain its original identifying features but will have amazing new abilities! Christ will transform our body of humble state into conformity with the body of His glory. Not only will our bodies be transformed but also our desires will be sanctified and fulfilled on the New Earth. Although while on this earth, our bodies are broken and our desires are corrupt, God offers hope. Don't miss out on the glorious transformation God offers.

Jesus and the Woman in the Crowd

Ben Foust
Mark 5:21-43

The story of the woman in the crowd who had a bleeding disorder demonstrates that Jesus is a man of compassion, the healer of hopeless situations, the inviter of outcasts, the rewarder of faith, and that Jesus' power is absolutely adequate. Sickness and death are symbols of our alienation from God. Jesus' power over them is proof he has the power to fulfill his mission to reconcile us. All of us will encounter hopeless situations at some time. When that happens, Jesus invites us to put our faith, however small it might be, in him.

Final Judgment

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 20:11-15

Many people, Christian and non-Christian alike, are uncomfortable with the idea of final judgment, or hell, but it is a reality. Hell is necessary because sin is a reality that must be dealt with. God loves people and sin hurts the people God loves. Because God values free will, he honors our choices. Because God is righteous and just, he must punish sin. Because he is loving, he offers an alternative to hell for anyone who chooses to receive the forgiveness Jesus offers through his death on the cross.

The Eternal Perspective

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 1:19-25

Paul's eternal perspective allowed him to view his potential impending death at the hands of the Roman court as an opportunity to exalt Christ in his body whether he lives or dies. If he lives, then he can continue to minister to believers, and witness to non-believers. If he dies, then he will go to his death without fear, proclaiming the Gospel before his judges. And upon his death, he will be in the presence of his Lord immediately. For him, to live is Christ, to die is gain.

How Is Your Worldview Working Out for You?

James Rochford
Philippians 1:12-26

Our circumstances are far less important than our view of them. Paul's circumstances were far from ideal by anyone's standards. He was under house-arrest, chained to a rotating crew of Praetorian guards for close to four years. And he was under a possible death sentence! Yet, Paul was not disturbed by these circumstances. Instead, he was overjoyed at how God was bringing good things out a bad situation. The Gospel was being preached fearlessly by those believers in Rome who watched Paul's example. No matter the result of the trial, Paul viewed it as a win-win. If he is ruled innocent, then he has more time for fruitful ministry. If he is found guilty, then instantly after his execution, he will be in the presence of his beloved Savior.

Living with Dying

Chris Hearty
Philippians 1:19-26

Our purpose in living will shape our perspective on dying. Paul was confident that no matter how his trial in Rome turned out, guilty or innocent, that God would be glorified. Paul's goal in life was to glorify God whether with his life or by his death. He trusted God with the outcome of his trial. Either way was a win-win for him: more fruitful ministry or to be in the presence of his Lord.

Teaching Kids about the Father

Paul Alexander
John 11

The concept of God can be difficult for children to understand especially at early levels of cognitive development. This workshop discusses ways to utilize children's natural imagination and enjoyment of narrative to strengthen their understanding and experience of God through the stories of Jesus in the Gospels.\r\n