The uniqueness of Dwell Community Church is not in our doctrinal views (
see our Statement of Faith). Rather, it is in the way that we apply our convictions to the world in which we live. Dwell is Bible-based, outward-focused, and involved. These areas of practical emphases give Dwell its distinct character.
When we say that Dwell is a Bible-based church, we convey that we are a Protestant church that orients its ministry around the revealed truth of the Bible. Dwell strives to be faithful to the Bible's mandate that the church carry out the message of grace to all people.
We strongly believe that the heart of our ministry is content-rich biblical teaching. We are convinced that the Word of God is, as Hebrews 4:12 says, "living and active." Because we have a high view of those we influence through our ministry, we believe that they want to be challenged by a reasonable, applicable presentation of the Bible. Furthermore, it is our conviction that spiritual growth and authentic Christian service must be based upon a strong foundation of knowledge of the Scriptures.
We believe that God works differently in the life of each Christian, but always with his forgiveness and transforming love as the foundation. We all come to a relationship with Christ with different sins, habits, burdens and concerns. At Dwell, we are committed to cooperating with God as he works in people's lives over time.
Dwell places a heavy emphasis on the priesthood of all believers. The vast majority of the ministry in the church is performed by well-trained, unpaid, volunteer workers and leaders. Lay led House Churches are at the core of our ministry structure. Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals are typically performed by House Church leaders rather than paid staff. Most student ministry is also done by skilled, experienced lay workers allowing a very high ratio of leaders to students.
We believe that a plurality of accountable leaders best reflects the New Testament's design for the church. We also believe that public reporting of church activities and financial matters is important.
Paul says the goal of his ministry is to “present each man complete in Christ" (Colossians 1:28). The goal of Christian instruction is to help Christians develop a self-motivated spiritual life. We want to provide the tools and the opportunity for people to establish their own convictions about Christian life and Christian service.
We are a church with a clear, outward focus. We recognize and affirm our biblical position as “ambassadors for Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:20).
Dwell has always been a goal-centered, zealous church. We are deeply motivated to share with others the message of reconciliation with God.
We believe that the church needs to identify with the culture it serves.
Over the years, Dwell has demonstrated flexibility in its organizational structure. To be successfully pro-cultural, Dwell has recognized the need to change as the times change.
We are willing to try new things and to take risks in order to remain effective in ministry.
We have a special burden for young people. In the “post-Christian" West, most children grow up facing tough decisions without a Christian foundation. We believe people who are student-aged are uniquely open to the gospel.
The Bible envisions the church as a new community of people reconciled to Christ and, in turn, reconciled to each other. Our organizational structure is intended to facilitate this process.
We are convinced that a crucial need for Christians is encouragement in a complex, indifferent world.
The foundation for healthy individuals, society and the church is the family. We are unequivocally committed to equipping families who are interested in forming Christ-centered environments in their homes.
God has given the work of the church to all Christians, not just the “clergy." We highly value diversity, and welcome the unique abilities and experiences that each individual brings to the church. We are committed to helping those who want to serve, find roles where they can contribute.
We are a group blessed by God with tremendous resources. Our fellowship has always responded to the needs presented. One significant indication of this was the pledge of nearly $5 million in three months for “Our Commitment to the Future” building fund. Another significant indication is that Dwell members volunteer an estimated 100,000 hours per year in vital Christian service.
Our ministry is rooted in the profound awareness that God has delivered us from the destructive course of the world and is continuing to restore us to wholeness through His Spirit. We seek to express our appreciation and gratitude corporately and individually.